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"The two worked hand in hand when the time for battles came, always protecting each other because deep down they can't live without the other"-Sprite

"The two worked hand in hand when the time for battles came, always protecting each other because deep down they can't live without the other"-Sprite

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"Sprites about to tell a story, you should go get Druig" Ajak told you. You had been in the city for another celebration, standing alongside Ajak as you had lost Sersi and Druig in the crowds. You could feel Ajaks excitement for the story Sprite was about to tell, so you pushed through the crowds to find your friend and fellow Eternal.

"Druig, where are you?" you asked into his head as you searched the party for him, failing to find him.

"Right behind you" he replied in your head causing you to stumble as you spun to see him, catching you off guard.

"You startled me" you scolded while slightly pushing him back. He only laughed, starting into his explanation.

"I noticed you looked lost and came to see what was wrong"

"Sprites about to tell a story and Ajak doesn't want you to miss it"

"Lead the way" Druig presented you forward, into the crowd. You grabbed ahold of his hand and dragged him through the crowds of people to get to the front where you took a seat on a box just as Sprite was starting her story.

"This is the story of the heart and mind, Druig and y/n" the smallest Eternal started, everyone around going silent as the illusion in the sky started to form, projecting illusions of you and Druig.

"Woah" you gasped, looking up to the sky with a smile.

"Thousands of years ago the dark a dreary Druig met the light of his life, y/n. They became the heart and mind. Y/n was the heart of the two, always caring and feeling while Druig was the mind always focused and logical. Nobody though the pair would work well together, but they made the perfect team."

You laughed at the telling of your story, watching the illusions with a large smile. Druig on the other hand was only focused on you. Ajak stood on the opposite side of the room, beside Thena, the pair watching you and Druig with knowing looks.

"Y/n, would adventure out into the towns where Druig was sure to be close behind, always watching out for her even if she could take care of herself. The two worked hand in hand when the time for battles came, always protecting each other because deep down they can't live without the other" Sprite continued. Your smile faded at the thought, reality hitting you. You thought about the possibility of Druig dying or you both getting separated from each other which left your heart hollow. Druig sensed your change in emotion and nudged you to get your attention.

"You alright?" He asked into your head, worried for your thoughts and where they could be drifting that would ruin your mood.

"Yeah, just thinking" you waved it off casually.

"Alright" he nodded, noting to keep an eye on you in case anything changes.


Heart And Mind (Druig x reader)Where stories live. Discover now