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epilogue | that way

epilogue | that way

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eden now knows how it works

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eden now knows how it works.

you don't get to keep everyone in your life forever, and there are some people that are just meant to be a sunrise for you. a light to pull you out of the darkness. eden's darkness was carter, but her sunrise? her three best friends.

there are friends, lovers and relationships that are seasonal. no matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person at 2am, no matter how much you shared your heart, some are just there for a chapter or two.

even if you can still draw the lines of their smile or the wave of their hair, there almost always comes a time to move on. a time to let go. and regardless of letting them go, eden hoped that they knew they'd always feel a little bit like home to her.

no matter how temporary living with george, sapnap and clay was, she knew it was still beautiful calling so many hearts, her home.

no matter how temporary living with george, sapnap and clay was, she knew it was still beautiful calling so many hearts, her home

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although eden spent her holidays alone, considering everyone was at their respective families homes, she didn't mind it. sure, she missed her friends more than anything, but being alone in a hotel wasn't so bad. she had wybie and netflix after all.

she did, however, finally meet tina for new years, celebrating with her and others as the clock hit 12am. she loved fireworks and the pretty colours that lit up the night sky, but that sinking feeling hit when she realised that she was meant to spend new years with clay. she was meant to feel fireworks erupt in her stomach as their lips met on january first.

she held onto her necklace from him, keeping it as a memory. she wasn't necessarily sure if the memory was good or not, but it held sentimental value from better times and better days. something she knew she'd value for a lifetime.

and as the new year rolled around, her and her friends still kept in contact as they promised. the three already planning to see each other by may. and even without clay directly talking to her, they still managed to be in each others company through streams.

eden often thought back on the past seven months after getting to know clay better, eventually leading to close friendship and then something even bigger. it was almost bittersweet how things ended, because he did have a big impact on her life, but leaving him somehow created a bigger impact.

she still remembers his hugs and the way he looked at her longingly with his beautiful green eyes. because in the end she was right; friends really don't look at friends that way.

 because in the end she was right; friends really don't look at friends that way

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the end.



{ the beginning of the epilogue is highly inspired from whitneyhansonpoetry on instagram !! }

-miscnthrope <3

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