Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"Beautiful Trauma" Part 2//

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T.W. Attempted sexual assault (not by either main character)

Imagine, Your mind has been ruined by your former boss Dr Jonathan Crane, but that was years ago. By now, Batman hasn't been seen in over a year, the Narrows is destroyed meaning the asylum is on a hiatus, which leaves you, an escaped Inmate left along to survive on the streets, but maybe there is a glimmer of hope for poor fearful you.

"You're so perfect now..." You repeat over and over  to yourself in a hushed tone, you repeat the very words Dr Jonathan Crane told you in your petrified state, you can almost feel his cold, piercing gaze, it feels like he is right next to you terrorizing you, of course, none of this is true. In reality Dr Crane or as Gotham came to know him as, Scarecrow (because of his stitched up mask which haunts you every time you close your eyes) is no where in sight, this is just the lasting side effects of his fear gas, slowly you have been able to fight it, you have stopped seeing everything and everyone as a threat, but still, you can never unsee him or unsee how he looked in the mask and even out of it, his face became devilish the second he sprayed you with the fear toxin, and that's the face you see everywhere.

The rain drips down from above in fast never ending movements, it's been pouring for hours but there is no fog, you can see everything clearly, from the cracked streets to the rat running into a sewer drain everything is clear. You are underneath a building's overhang protecting yourself from the rain, you hug yourself tightly to combat the bitter cold the rain brings with it you repeat "You're so perfect now." One more time as you shiver, you go to close your eyes to try to use sleep as an escape from your life on the mean streets of Gotham but you aren't in a good mindset right now, you are thinking about him, about the man who took everything from you including your sanity. You can't even live a normal life, you can't get a job or start over because your mind is just a prison. You would prefer to be in the asylum, but ever since Scarecrow released his fear toxin all over the Narrows it has been closed. You are supposed to be in a prison out of Gotham, but during transportation you escaped, but you regret it.

You try to untangle your matted hair, trying not to think about him, but each time you look at your reflection in a nearby rain puddle, you don't see your face, you see his. You scream and another homeless person looks at you confused, if only they could understand, if only they could understand what you have to deal with, then...then they wouldn't stare, they would care, they would have empathy, but they don't know. You lean your back against a dirty brick wall that is connected to the overhang and cry. Tears stream down your cheeks leaving tear trails, a nearby trash can falls over from the strong winds, you shake, your body moves and shakes like a dead leaf in the wind. How does someone with PHD in psychology and a respected job fall this far? You know why, him...it's all because of him, you want to hate him, you wish you could want him dead, but you don't.

You remember the look in his eyes just as clearly as you can remember his face contort with his mask on and his piercing look. Before he sprayed you, he showed you a quick moment of weakness, he gave you a look that said he couldn't control himself, a look that screamed of loneliness but it was also a look that showed determination to never feel those kind of emotions again, and that's why. That's why he sprayed you, you saw a small moment, he let you in for mere seconds, but for him it meant you knew to much about him, so he didn't hesitate to spray you. It's of no use to think about it, you don't want to feel bad, but you're a former psychologist and feeling empathy for those with struggles is kind of your thing, even after all that has happened, you wonder if he is still out there with the same weaknesses.

The alley is almost completely darkened except for a small porch light that remains on, it gives enough light so you can see a few inches in front of you, what you see is yet another cracked street, garbage is scattered about, and it reeks of trash. You are in this alley for only one reason, dinner. Ever since you found yourself unable to work and keep a home, dumpster diving has been your main source of food, it isn't the cleanest but what else are you going to do? You get down on your knees and feel the wet pavement against your legs, your pants absorb the water leading to very wet knees. You pick through some bags of trash, you have been able to get Scarecrow off your mind, for now at least. You find something kind of editable, a wrapped up half of a tuna sandwich, before you go to take a bite you hear a voice and jolt up, the voice at first doesn't sound like anything but static, it makes your ears ring and you can't identify what the person is saying, but you can see their figure, a man who is probably 6 feet tall and a bulky build.

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