Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"I Promise"\\

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Imagine, you and the infamous Scarecrow have been together for about a year and a half, you are the only thing he truly cares about, well you and his villainous ways. What happens when you make a mistaken and get exposed to his fear inducing toxin? Requested by @Otaku_trash8

You find yourself alone in your boyfriend's massive underground compound, it's almost all made of concrete and has a lab, chemical vats and a few rooms off to the side like one with a mattress which is the bedroom, that's where you are. The room is rather small, you think it was supposed to be a closet of some sort. The only thing in the room other then the cold concrete walls and floor is the mattress. It's in rather poor condition with a few springs popping out of it and stuffing falling from the sides, but you and your boyfriend share and it feels like a cloud when you at next to him, but right now he is away so it feels more like nails.

I should tell you who your boyfriend is, chemical vats, an underground compound under the Narrows, your boyfriend is the infamous criminal, the fear reaper, Scarecrow, or Jonathan Crane but he doesn't like it when you call him his name. He is Gotham's personal fear bringer but to you, to you he is your entire world, the love you've been craving for so long. He is only really nice to you, but since he isn't a "normal" boyfriend he has trouble showing affection and other things but you don't mind. You love him the way he is, clinically insane, amazingly intelligent, and dashingly handsome. He and his crew are out placing timed bombs in apartment buildings around Gotham City, they've been at it for days. The bombs carry Scarecrow's titular fear toxin, one that you have never been exposed to but you've seen how people act when they are and you wouldn't wish that upon your worst enemy

You stand up from the bed of nails and stretch, yawning. It's around 4:00 pm so you are a bit hungry for dinner, you walk across the concrete floor with socks on, they slide a little but without them the coldness from the concrete would be to much to. You don't have to walk far since like mentioned the room is small, you open the creaky door and make your way to a mini fridge in the corner of the main room, the main room has a couch, a very old leaky sink, tables filled with lab gear and of course the fridge and a few cabinets with food, Scarecrow doesn't eat much so it's pretty low stocked. A soda can, expired yogurt and a slice of pizza with a bite taken out, you opt for the pizza. The life of being the partner to a major criminal is kind of hard but anytime you think of the cons you remember the huge pro, you have him in your life and that's all that matters.

You sit on the dusty couch and look at the pizza, you don't know if you want it or not. You kick your feet up on the wooden coffee table by the couch and lean back. It isn't long until you eyes lock on a little box, it's small, almost like a ring box. It rest on the coffee table and you are immediately curious. Is Scarecrow planning on proposing!? Probably not...but maybe. What if? Thoughts run through your head, you aren't sure weather to open the box or not. If it is what you think then opening it is definitely an invasion of privacy, but he left it there for a reason right? Maybe he wants you to open it since he knew he was going to be away for a while or maybe he will be pissed if you do. Well you won't tell him, if it is what you think it is.

You slowly sit up from the couch, removing your feet from the coffee table and pick up the box, it's heavy, definitely the same weight a ring will be, maybe that's where he is, planning a wedding for you, not destroying the city. But that's so unlike him, don't get me wrong he treats you nicely but weddings have never been something he ever brought up before, plus when it comes between destroying the city and getting married he would choose the first option. You hold the box in your hand for a little while longer, your heart beating fast you are so giddy, like a child but you can't help it, you love this man so much so if he wants to marry you you can't not know. You heart pounds and you slowly open the box.

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