22. Keeping the Promise.

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It's been a week since Mr Arnold

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It's been a week since Mr Arnold..no Nicolas left for his business trip. And things have been quite boring and lifeless since then. Kia has been not the same energetic and bubbly kid I've been seeing her till now. She's more on the silent mode and that's bothering me very much.

During the daytime, she stays with me and in the evening a driver comes who picks her up to take her to the mansion but personally I feel she doesn't like being away from me. The other day Aiden had to come and take her with him to the mansion since she started crying so bitterly saying she'd not go. Although a part of me feels the reason is she doesn't like being there.

Nicolas has also been ridiculously busy. He didn't even make one call when he was supposed to. Kia has been feeling sad and depressed since he left and that's also a worry because it'd affect her health.

I sighed and looked at her who was right now watching Spongebob Squarepants but that's the difference she was only staring at the screen, she didn't seem to be interested in what was going on in the show, unlike the other times when she use to scream and sing along with the characters.

I proceeded to do the nth attempt of calling him. He wasn't picking up, he wasn't even replying to my messages. I don't know what the hell was wrong with him. He was not only being ignorant but also making all of us afraid. Every time I called to him, it'd go straight to voicemail and the worry and fear would multiply in my mind exponentially.

Earlier I asked Aiden if it was the first time he left her and I was right, normally he'd be gone for two or three days, the most he did for four and in those four days, he called Kia at least ten times a day.

The man who couldn't live without talking with his niece for more than three hours, how did he manage to stay without listening to her voice for seven days straight. The fear and suspicion in my mind grew stronger and stronger.

Is he fine?

Is he okay?

Evans and Aiden were equally tensed, the last he talked to them was four days back, and that's why both of them decided to go check on him. Aiden was a bit concerned about leaving me and Kia alone and he stayed back. Evans left in the morning.

I just hope he's safe.

Of course, he'd be.

Stop thinking so negative. The hell is wrong with you, Arielle Summers? He'd be fine.

To stop me from overthinking, I walked to Kia and lifted her up. I held her in my arms." Kia baby, Nicky uncle will be back soon. Don't worry.", I said softly to her but in return, she just hugged me. My heart clenched, she was missing him very much.

"Ari, Nicky uncle always talked to me every time he went on some trip, this time he didn't call even once. Is he angry with me?", she asked me, her lower lip trembling as she tried to stop her tears.

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