37. Confess You're Jealous.

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This was not how I expected it to end

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This was not how I expected it to end. I felt tears of anger in my eyes as I looked at him. How could he do this? How the f*ck could he do this? This is outrageous, simply absurd.

I can't believe my eyes as I saw the credits roll.

"What's wrong amore?", Nicolas asked as he sat beside me on the couch.

"I'm fine, I'm okay," I answered. "It's a little unexpected, but it's just this isn't quite how I wanted the story to end." I sulked as I buried my head in his chest, he chuckled stroking my hair. His laughter sending a jolt of shiver down my body.

"It's okay, amore. It's just a movie." His fingers ran down the lengths of my hair.

"It's not. I just spent my f*cking two hours just to see the super amazing and undeniably gorgeous male lead dying for the woman who clearly didn't give a sh*t about him." I reasoned, my mind a jumbled mass of anger and disappointment.

"What did you say about the male lead?" he asked as he frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Here I'm ranting about how much of a trash the movie was and you just care about the looks of the male lead.", I scowled."I mean, I agree to the part that he's exceptionally hot but all the makers did was pure injustice with him."

"The movie is trash.", he said, his jaw clenching with anger. I smiled in delight that my love was agreeing with me." I advise you to never watch this actor's movie again."

"Ha..What?", I exclaimed, surprise washing my senses. What the hell is wrong with the actor?"It wasn't his mistake."

Nicolas, on the other hand, didn't seem to be pleased by my statement, his scowl grew deeper. What in the world is wrong with him now?


A burst of full-blown laughter"Are you jealous?", I smirked as I saw his ears flush in a bright red."Goodness! Nicolas, you are f*cking jealous of an actor? A burst of full-blown laughter erupted from my lips as I shook my head. His jaw clenched tighter as he gave me a look that spoke volumes of vexation.

"Arielle, stop laughing." He said as he narrowed his eyes at me."I am not jealous at all." He stressed each syllable as he shot me a mean look and walked out of my house.

"Drive safe," I shouted before he could near his car and I swear I saw his lips twitch into a smile again.

He was too easy to melt. 

The next morning I felt very low, a sudden pain in my abdomen where I was stabbed a month and a half ago erupted. I tried my best to ignore it but it seemed to intensify and the pain would not subside. The doctor told me these pains were quite normal but today it was severe.

I exhaled a deep breath as I decided to visit the hospital. Should I call him? He'd get tense but if I didn't tell him, he'd go insane and his poor employees will suffer.

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