39. A New Storm Brewing!

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Have you ever felt like something was to come up? You couldn't put your finger on it, but you knew it was coming

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Have you ever felt like something was to come up? You couldn't put your finger on it, but you knew it was coming. It's like you could almost see it in the air but you didn't know what it was going to be, the only thing you knew was it was going to be big. That's how I've felt over the past two days.

Talking about Nick and me, yes we had gone a step further in the names context. We've been on more dates since that evening. If he was super sweet before, he'd become a whole freaking confectionary shop now. He'd become that part of my life, I never knew I wanted but needed. I loved him but I was scared.

I was scared to come into a relationship with him in actuality. I didn't want to be the centre of attention again. I didn't want myself to be imprinted on the pages of gossip newspapers again. I didn't want to be in the spotlight just because I was dating one of the richest people in the town.

My anxiety shoots up even imagining myself again in that situation. I don't want to be tabloid fodder again; I don't want myself to be the centre of attention just because I'm with Nicolas Arnold. I don't want to be the number one topic of conversation just because I'm dating a high profile man. I don't want to be called a gold digger by people just because I'm with someone who makes more money than I'll ever see in my lifetime, just like how his father did.

But my respect for him increased once again when I shared my insecurities with him. He didn't just listen to my fears, he understood them. He didn't make me feel like I was being irrational for being nervous about a relationship that was still developing. I still can't help but feel warm when I remember the words he said to me," I'd never force you to rush into anything, Amore. We'll take one step at a time." I was so thankful to have someone who understand my fears, was willing to work through them with me and was there for me.

I glanced at him who was looking into his laptop with his whole focus. Kia was sleeping in the room he'd customised for her in his office, where I babysit her.

HIs left hand was busy playing with his oval black magnets, a clear sign he was under stress. I sighed as I walked over to him. "What's wrong?" I asked, placing one hand on his shoulder. He turned to face me and his eyes were tired.

"It's nothing.", he sighed as he pulled me closer. He rested his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him."You can talk to me you know that."

"I know, Arielle. But I'm fine. I'm just tired." Everything in me knew he was lying but I didn't pry him. I knew if he wanted to tell me, he would.

He pulled back and concentrated back on his laptop. I sighed, this was the third time in two days he'd been like this. He was working so much, I wasn't sure he was taking care of himself. I had wanted to talk about him with Mama but she herself was acting weird. She had lessened her visits and the weekend plans had gone negligible. Things were taking some weird turns.

His phone rang pulling me back from my thoughts. He looked down at the screen and frowned. As soon as he received it, his face lost all its colour. The frown deepened on his face as he heard what the person on the end spoke and then hung up. He closed his laptop and sighed. I was about to ask what the problem was but before I could get a word out there was a knock upon the door.

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