25. A Game of Kiss!

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Remember when we were kids and used to fall ill

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Remember when we were kids and used to fall ill. It felt like our mom's whole day revolved around us, looking after us, asking if we wanted anything or going out of their way to do something for us special. Our Mumma used to make us feel extraordinary during all those times.

I felt the same love, yes love.

I felt the same love as when I was a kid and I was with my Mumma. It felt like my Mumma was there with me and she was waiting to make sure I was ok in disguise of Nicolas' Mama.

Mama, as she made me call her, didn't let me get bored for even a second. She kept on conversing with me as if I was her daughter, her real daughter.

It's been three days since I've been in this hellhole i.e. Hospital. And even for a minute didn't she let me feel alone. 

The whole night and evening Nicolas stays in the hospital and in the morning it's Mama who needs to kick him out of my room. Kia, Tara, Evans and Aiden also come to entertain me during the daytime. They were so sweet.

Similarly today too, Nicolas stayed till morning and then got kicked out when Mama came. 

He had an important meeting but was so reluctant to go that I had to request Mama to convince him and well, she didn't request.

She ordered."Nico, go to the office or I'll kick your a*s out of here." And here I thought he cursed a lot.

All in all, she was a mood.

Right now she was narrating some embarrassing and funny incidents of his childhood and I don't know why but I was getting too interested in knowing him.

More than I should.

But who cares! I'll get more ways to embarrass him. A thing I enjoy a lot.

"You know child.", Mama said beaming."Nico was really great at basketball when he was a kid but one day, he got really bored and he went to play cricket instead, but he could not play it. He was so clumsy that he hurt himself and ended up going back to basketball."

And he calls me clumsy.

"I'm not clumsy Mama.", Nicolas said entering the room. I looked up at him, he was dressed in a white shirt and formal black pants. His shirt sleeves were at his elbows. 

Why was he so good looking? This is pure injustice to us normal-looking people, God!

"You came so early?", Mama said raising an eyebrow at him. Her voice had a hint of amusement and teasing.

"I knew you'd start telling her my all embarrassing childhood stories.", he sulked and sat on a couch kept closely.

"You look very tired. You should have taken some rest. If you're worried for me then Mama is here.", I said looking at him. I didn't want him to join me in the hospital anytime soon.

"Who?", he snapped his gaze at me making me rethink my words.


"You called my mother Mama?", he asked. Why the hell did he get so worked up on such a little thing.

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