40. The Question of Trust.

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Women have been given a power called female intuition

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Women have been given a power called female intuition. It's something that comes from the heart. We can feel and judge an action if it will be effective, and we feel it instinctively and intuitively. Also after what happened five years back, I've got the life lesson never to step on your intuition.

From the moment Luke invited me to the party, I knew something would definitely go wrong if I went there. Hence, I dropped the plan. A few hours ago, Tara had called me and asked me to come but I apologized to her and told her I wasn't feeling well and as much as I felt obliged to her since she was the closest person to me in the name of a friend beside Mama, bless her pure soul she didn't force me. Instead, she asked me if I wanted her to come to me. She was a gem, no doubt.

Also, Nick and I, both had gone to that party, we would have had to leave Kia at his mansion since Mama was out of the station, which she hates a lot. And leaving her with someone else was out of the box, especially after knowing how her father was around.

I looked at Nick and Kia, both of them sitting on the couch immersed in a deep conversation. I didn't have any idea about what they were talking but once in a while, Nick would shake his head as if couldn't believe the little girl's talks.

And to be frank I didn't have the slightest curiosity to know about their "talks" since they looked happy together and I didn't want to step into their time.

It was his and Kia's time and no one, not even I had a part in their personal time.

The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. I unlocked the door only to witness Aiden rotating his car keys on his index finger. He smiled at me and rushed past me inside the house and in no time, he had made himself comfortable. Nick scowled as he looked at Aiden who had crossed his legs over the table."Legs off the table, moron." he grumbled as he punched Aiden's shoulder.

I chuckled seeing them fighting like kids and walked over to Kia who had dozed off. I couldn't help but smile when I felt her snuggling in my neck as I lifted her off the couch. It was amusing, how the little kid was talking so enthusiastically one moment and the other she was sleeping soundly. I walked over to Kia's room and gently laid her on the bed, Nick who had been following me all this time tucked her legs in the blanket.

As I dimmed the lights of her room, I heard him say."You sure you don't want to come with me, Amore?"

I smiled as we walked outside Kia's room, "Of course, you go and enjoy." I heard his footsteps following me as I walked inside his room to pick out an outfit for him.

I walked into his closet and whilst I searched a nice outfit for him, I felt his hands encircling around my waist."My enjoyment starts with making my fiancée happy."

I turned around and smirked at him, "Who said I'm your fiancée?"

He laughed as he pulled me closer to him."Don't tell me you've already made me your husband in your heart and mind." I felt my cheeks flush in a bright red at his words.

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