Chapter 12

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Hermione came round to find a very concerned Winky looking at her, the creep was being dragged none too gently out of the room while his wife sat unmoving throughout the whole episode. All this was observed with a glance as she remembered why she was on the floor, Harry.

Winky popped them to his side as the room descended into total chaos.

Millicent was screaming, "He's mine now leave him alone."

Meanwhile her mother was shouting at the goblins to unhand the Lady Gryffindor as they dragged her daughter from the room, after having carefully removed the ring from her finger.

Hermione only had eyes for Harry, he lay convulsing and foaming at the mouth while his magic wasn't allowing anyone to touch him.

She put her hand on his face and there was an immediate improvement to his condition, Hermione asked the elves to take them to Poppy.

Both elves put their hands on Hermione and they disappeared from Gringotts.

They arrived in the Potters bedroom and when Hermione enquired, Dobby replied that Harry's magic had brought them here.

She put him to bed but his magic started forming a shield, which expanded out from his body gently, but steadily pushing the elves out the room.

Ginny had heard the commotion and ran into the room but, as she headed for Harry, the little redhead found herself pushed back when trying to get closer than about three feet.

Harry's magic had set the boundaries, Ginny was allowed in the room but only Hermione was able to touch him.

Hermione got into bed beside him and their clothes disappeared, skin contact was obviously what he wanted so she hugged him tight, being immediately rewarded by feeling his slight presence in their bond. This caused her to cry with relief onto her husband's chest.

She hadn't realised how much they shared over the bond until it was no longer there, she felt as if a void had opened in her mind and in her heart, a void so vast that it had caused her to faint.

Ginny became the relay for news as Hermione wouldn't leave Harry and not even the elves could enter the room.

The potion inside the ring may at one time have been capable of affecting someone's emotions but it was extremely old and had been inside the ring for decades, slowly decomposing and evolving into something totally different.

No one knew exactly how different and the chances of them making a discovery soon were pretty remote.

Hermione surmised that Harry was drawing power from her using their bond to fight the potion and the more skin-to-skin contact there was the easier it seemed for him to do. When she got up to visit the bathroom, Ginny could keep him calm for a few minutes by talking to him but after that, his magic started reacting to the lack of contact with his wife.

When Ginny passed this information to the now full room of concerned people, both elves confirmed Hermione's hunch and left the common room, returning twenty minutes later with a goblet of broth for Hermione and a sealed flask for Harry to be drank when he regained consciousness.

Hermione didn't realise how much Harry had needed but the special Elvin broth topped up her energy banks nicely.

Ginny also brought news that the goblins were seriously pissed off; two friends of the goblin nation had been attacked inside their bank. Seriously pissed off was maybe an understatement.

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