Chapter 24

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Albus Dumbledore sat in a small shack that some forgotten wit had once named 'Dreich Cottage.' Dreich is a Scottish word meaning cold, wet and miserable which fitted his current circumstances perfectly. They had strategically retired (fled) to this small island off the Scottish coast that was officially classed as uninhabited, though Albus thought it should be reclassified to uninhabitable.

Dreich could also be applied to his mood after the little red haired traitor managed to foil his brilliant plan, and he still wasn't sure how a thirteen-year-old witch had not only escaped but managed to take those bloody elves with her as well. He was Albus Dumbledore though and all that was required to get him back on top was the flawless execution of his all-new brilliant plan. The wizarding world was full of sheep that would believe anything they were told, and for those that wouldn't then that's why memory charms were invented.

He heard his brother apparate onto the property and watched as he entered the dismal dwelling with fear in his eyes. This confused Albus as Abe just went out to fetch a Daily Prophet so he could ensure his timetable of Hogwarts events was still current. It was with shaking hands that Abe handed over the paper and seconds later the screams of rage emanating from the dilapidated building would have seen it renamed to the "Shrieking Shack,' except for the fact that there wasn't another human being in a twenty mile radius.


Pansy didn't think she could be prouder of her mother, renouncing her pureblood status took a lot of courage but she had pulled it off. Now sitting reading today's edition of the Prophet she realised she could be, it was a brilliant piece of investigative journalism, which totally destroyed every facet of Dumbledores reputation and life.

The main headline, "FREEDOM – its worth dieing for!" was bold enough but the picture of the two elves dieing on the front page was heartbreaking. It then went into great detail of what had been done to them and by whom, and even the most stupid witch/wizard couldn't fail to understand the penalty that would have to be paid for using this disgusting spell.

But it was her mother's dissection of Dumbledores dodgy dealings that left you feeling manipulated, everyone would recognise a piece of the story but when the facts were all written down in the one place, everyone could see the old goat for what he was.

Dumbledore Laid Bare

Albus Dumbledore has been stripped bare and what remains is not a pretty sight. With the removal of all his titles, awards, positions and authority, all efforts then switched to discovering something that the aging wizard had only a passing acquaintance with – the TRUTH.

He believed that the wizarding world were sheep and has spent decades pulling the wool over our eyes so we couldn't see the self-appointed shepherd who was controlling every aspect of our lives.

There is a saying 'the Devil is in the Details' but Dumbledore released only those details that showed himself in the best possible light. The greatest example of this would be his defeat of Grindelwald for which he received the Order of Merlin, First Class. The truth is that they were friends and lovers before both discovering they desired power more than anything else. On that fateful night Dumbledore sneaked into his former friend's home and killed him using a muggle weapon to shoot Grindelwald eight times in the back – hardly the heroic image we have been led to believe.

Ending the life of a dark wizard is a welcome achievement but when you consider that within a few years Dumbledore was an Order of Merlin recipient, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Headmaster of Hogwarts and unofficial leader of the wizarding world, had we replaced one would-be dictator with another?

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