Chapter 26

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Hermione watched the students enter the great hall for the welcome feast with a touch of sadness and a hint of longing, as she saw her former classmates recognise her and head straight over.

Lavender was, of course, the first to speak, "Hermione you're looking lovely, what happened to the house tables and where do we sit?"

Hermione smiled at her former dorm mates, "Hi you two, the house tables will only be used for the sorting ceremony and leaving feast in June, and you can sit anywhere you want to."

Both girls couldn't wait to sit beside Hermione as there was a lot to catch up on and they wanted details. It was Parvati who was the more intuitive though, she asked, "won't you miss this Hermione? You loved Hogwarts and classes."

She had a dreamy expression on her face and both girls could see she was thinking before replying, "when I saw you enter the hall I got a bit nostalgic but then I remembered that instead of sharing a dorm with you two I would be sharing a bed with my Harry, no offence girls but that wins every time." From the wishful looks she was getting from both girls she knew they were in one hundred percent agreement.

Her comments also earned her a kiss from her husband as he sat down beside her; Ginny, Neville and the three Grangers joined them. Seamus and Dean came over to catch up but there were strained glances around the table when Vince, Greg and Pansy took the last three seats, narrowly beating the Creevey brothers to them. The four Gryffindors who hadn't been on the island relaxed when Harry said, "Thanks guys, I don't think I'm up for Colin and Dennis tonight."

As the tables filled, McGonagall stood and said, as there were so many changes everyone would be fed first, she sat down to a cheer as the food appeared at each table. The biggest cheer seemed to come from those purebloods that no longer had elves at their beck and call; this would be the best meal they had eaten since Christmas Eve.

Harry told Hermione to glance over at her gran, Amanda could hardly eat she was so excited, she was at a Hogwarts feast, staying in Gryffindor apartment before lending a hand in the new non-magical annex, she knew that excitement would rob her of sleep tonight and didn't care – she was living her life long dream.

There was so much to take in that the students were constantly straining their necks as someone at their table pointed out something else that wouldn't / couldn't have taken place a few short months ago.

There were six Weasleys having a meal together and with the other half of the table consisting of the three Gryffindor chasers and three seventh year Charlie Weasley chasers. Charlie, though embarrassed, was at least thankful they were all girls. The fact that Ginny was sitting very close to Neville and at another table was also a topic of discussion for multiple reasons.

Sirius Black was sitting in the middle of the great hall as the new head of Gryffindor along side Elizabeth Zabini, the new head of Slytherin, and Rose Parkinson who was there representing the Prophet. Remus was sitting with Tonks and her parents trying very hard to remain calm, meet the parent's was always bad but when you had to work with them as well! The number of Slytherins walking about with the Potter crest on their robes didn't go unnoticed either, Angela Flint had been sorted into Slytherin by the hat in Minerva's office earlier.

There were so many new faces and also that beautiful new building they had all passed before entering the gates, it was an unusual but elegant mixture of sandstone, steel and glass that had everyone looking forward to classes there. When the meal finished it was a well-fed audience that settled down to listen, they knew this would be a long speech.

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