Chapter 22

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Dudley Dursley was seriously pissed off!

The obese boy had sat alone in his dorm for days distributing blame for his current circumstances, while name after name ran through his mind there was only one that was totally blameless, Dudley Dursley.

His parents were taking a lot of the blame because the selfish boy had received no presents from them for Christmas, he understood something had happened to them but they should have made provisions for the important things in life, namely Dudley's presents.

His head of dorm had explained that something happened to his parents and the child-care services were trying to find a foster home for him, due to the time of year he had recommended that Dudley remain in school over the holidays.

Dudley had woken on Christmas morning to only two presents, one was some sugar-free chocolate from the school and the other was from the freak, Potter!

An enraged Dudley had thrown the freak's present across the room where it landed with a resounding thump; this was not enough for Dudley who proceeded to use his considerable bulk to jump repeatedly on the parcel. Unaccustomed to exercise of any sort it was a heavily perspiring Dudley who, after only a few minutes, gave the unwanted present a final kick.

This was the kick that removed the last of the wrapping paper to reveal a box that had once contained the latest games consol now, thanks to Dudley's ministrations, just a pile of junk.

This had the effect of moving his temper to previously uncharted heights, not because he had just wrecked the one present he had really wanted - that would mean assigning blame to himself, no the problem was who the gift was from. How the hell could the freak afford it?

A twelve-year-old had the misfortune to pass and wish Dudley a 'Merry Christmas' which resulted on him being pounded on by the bully, it took three teachers, responding to the boys screams, to pull him off the younger student.

Dudley was then confined to his dorm while the school decided what to do with him, he was supposed to be expelled but they had no-where to send him. His options were severely limited and he was sure the phrase 'child correction facility' was mentioned more than once.

He had just made-up his mind that someone was going to pay heavily for daring to mess with 'Big-D' when the headmaster walked in, accompanied by some bloke and two absolutely gorgeous birds.

Dudley was thinking that things were looking up, he was just about to unleash his razor sharp wit and debonair smile to charm the birds out of their knickers when the bloke spoke in clearly recognisable voice, and Dudley's whole world shattered, falling all around him.


Dudley was on autopilot, he heard that he had been expelled and placed in the care of lord somebody, who was apparently his cousin. They left the school and no sooner had they stepped down an alley than they appeared in the strangest place he had ever seen.

He was led into a building that seemed to be run by things that weren't human and it was only minutes later when he was shown into a room containing his parents, this was the spark that Dudley needed to explode and he did.

His tantrum could be heard all over the bank before Harry placed a silencing charm on his cousin, quickly followed by a body bind. The peace and quiet was welcome, unlike the silence following the healer's declaration that the young human had never in his life had a spell cast on his mind.

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