Chapter 18

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The wizarding community awoke on Christmas morning to a new world; doubts in anybody's mind were blown away by the screaming headline on the front page of the new, believable Daily Prophet.

Goodwill To All Men – As Long As They're Pureblood Wizards!

The headline was just the beginning of the shocks contained in the special edition; a factual account of the events from the ministry ball followed but it was the editor's column that had to be read at least twice to make sure someone had actually written it.

The Wizarding World and our part in its Downfall!

By Rose Parkinson

Last night I sat at the Premier Event in our world and was ashamed. Not at the courageous decision of the medal winners to either return or refuse their awards, but at the reason for their actions.

Daniel Granger, like his daughter has a very entrenched set of ethical and moral convictions. These would not allow him to accept his award when he could see first hand the disrespect most of the audience had for the Lady Gryffindor.

It is with a deep sense of shame that I can report to hearing the phrase 'uppity md' on more than one occasion at the ball, although it didn't escape my notice that this, and worse were all said well outside the hearing of Lord Gryffindor.

It should also be noted that the reason none of the pureblood elite spoke these words in front of the Gryffindors was their sense of self –preservation (cowardice) and unwillingness to spend Christmas in St Mungo's.

When I undertook the running of this newspaper it was on the understanding that it would print the truth so here it is.

The Gaunt's were the last surviving heirs of Salazar Slytherin. Pureblood paupers who's inbreeding had left the son, Morfin and daughter Merope, to put it kindly 'not marriage material'.

Young girls will always have dreams and Merope's turned to the handsome squires son, Tom Riddle. She managed to slip the unsuspecting muggle a love potion and they ran away together.

After some months the simple girl deluded herself into believing his potion-induced declarations of love were genuine and stopped administering it. Needless to say, without the potions influence Tom fled back home.

Merope was left pregnant and later died in a muggle orphanage, shortly after giving birth to a son she named Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Why should this concern us I hear you ask well here's the reason.

Below this comment, the letters from Tom Marvolo Riddle rearranged themselves into I am Lord Voldemort.

This is the creature that my husband used to voluntarily kneel before, kissing the hem of his robes and drooling over his every word.

This illegitimate half blood psychopath demanded unquestioned obedience as he slaughtered anyone who stood in his way while he sought power and immortality.

This is the creature that fired the killing curse at a one-year-old baby, Harry Potter who banished the self-proclaimed dark lord.

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