Chapter Eleven

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All I see is green.

The world blurs incredibly fast around me. Leaves uncomfortably brushing up against my face. Stupid leaves... stupid hill. Why did it have to be me? As if I wasn't already feeling embarrassed enough.

It feels like I'll roll down the hill forever. It's like the ground is never going to stop- but it does.

I land roughly in a patch of dirt. I cough when I land. I stare down at the dirt covering my hands, then sigh loudly. Gerard's footsteps are making their way noisily through the plants. I blink a couple times, taking in the forest. There's nothing but trees for what looks like miles, and I doubt there's any civilization between those miles. I grimace when I see Gerard's shoes walk up to me. I don't exactly expect to hear him laugh. I expect him to more or less make fun of me.

I struggle to stand up, a little dazed. "I know, that was really stupid of me."

I look over to Gerard and wait for his reaction, but there isn't much of one. He seems to be holding in a slight smirk, but, he's distracted by something.

"What are you looking at?" I brush myself off and walk up beside him, squinting in the sun. I can't see anything. It's just trees and giant rocks and more trees.

He doesn't reply right away. He's shielding his eyes from the sun, and is straining his neck. I seriously can't make out what he's staring at.


"There," Gerard points towards a giant rock a few paces in front of us. "I think I... saw someone."

I squint at him. "What? Who was it? Do you think-"

Gerard shushes me. "No, no, it's not who you think it is. They didn't look normal."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow. "That makes no sense. Everyone in this city looks normal."

"EXACTLY," Gerard raises his voice surprisingly, making me jump a little. "That's why I'm confused..."

"Do you think it's another one?"

"Another what?"

I roll my eyes. "Another one of us, obviously!"

Gerard whips his head towards me. "Impossible. That's impossible."

My heart starts to pound excitedly. "Why not? There could be others."

Gerard's face looks skeptical. "I don't think so. I haven't seen another outsider since..."

I tilt my head at his pause. "Since?"


"Oh," I nod slowly. "...But you never know, Gerard."

He shrugs. "Up to you whether we should check it out or not."

"Up to me?" I stifle a laugh. "How come all of a sudden you're allowing me to do the deciding?"

"Because," He looks at me like I'm stupid. "I can blame you for-"

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard this before," I wave it away. "Anyway, I think we should go and see. You never know."

Gerard looks at his shoes. "I'll be waiting here for you."

"What? You're not coming?" I ask him, surprised.

"No. I think it's a waste of time," He looks up from his shoes briefly and gestures at me. "Go, then! Don't wanna waste anymore time."

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