sleepover w ash

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over the course of the week i saw ash a lot. she was constantly in and out of my room. which, thank god i got the message delivering the news that my roommate wouldn't be living on campus this semester. just by some stroke of luck, i was now in a single, usually off-limits for the first year students live on campus. to celebrate, ash and i planned a sleepover.

we planned on meeting up at dinner time in the dinning hall and then making a trip to the store to gather snacks for the night.

i hadn't had a sleepover since middle school so i was incredibly excited. i even made a list for the store. popcorn, sour worms, brownies, and face masks. i picked out some cute pjs and got my room straightened up.

(cute pjs ref

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(cute pjs ref ... are the refs annoying?? idk, i like them)

i also hung up the chirstmas lights i got a few days ago. finally, i was starting to feel like this was my room and i wasn't just staying in some random building.

(another ref, sorrryyyy!)

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(another ref, sorrryyyy!)

it felt so good to have my own space. just as good as it felt to have met ash all on my own. finally, i was doing things for myself. making my life my own. i wasn't boxing myself in for my parents and i wasn't leeching off of someone else's life. erica and i had fun but it was never about me when i was with her. she wasn't selfish, i was the problem. i never made any decisions, i never branched out, i was too happy following someone else around. as if the comfort of avoiding the anxiety of making decisions was real comfort. i wasn't happy, it was just easy.

i stood and admired my lights. they were the cutest shade of pink and the dim light really added a well needed ambience.

i took my phone out and texted ash, "hey, you wanna go get dinner now?? :3"

within seconds, "yes!! superrrr hungry. i'll meet you down there 🥟:)<3"

i put my shoes on and headed to the elevator. our elevator wasn't creepy but every time i got in it prayed it wasn't my last. something about the way the doors closed made the inspection certificate on the wall a lot less reassuring.

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