lavender (pt. 2/fin)

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luckily the rain didn't start picking up until we had already gotten in the car. as we drove out of the city, i looked over to sal watching his hair illuminate with passing lights. the rain had made it curl more now.

i looked back to the dashboard where my boquete sat. "tonight was so much fun, sal."

"yeah, i'm really glad you were free." he cleared his throat, "maybe we could go back to my place for a little and just hang out."

i smiled to myself as i watched the rain drops fall heavier now, "i'd like that."

as we drove back into town, the rain strengthened to a full storm and our car ride was coming to an end. which meant we were doomed with journey from the parking lot to his apartment.

"oh great ..." the car slowed and sal peered out the windows, searching all directions for a parking spot. "i don't think we're going to find a spot in front of the building." he looked through his rear view mirror, "and i don't really have an umbrella so ... we're gonna have to kinda run through the rain."

it was obvious he was stressed as he continued to look around for a closer spot. i gave him a smile, "that's okay, sal." i rested my hand on his leg, "i promise i don't mind."

he sighed before driving to the back of the parking lot, "i'm sorry."

sal was sweet. when he got out, he grabbed a jacket from the backseat and tried to cover me as i got out. of course with the weight of the rain and the strength of wind, we both still got soaked.

"oh god, y/n ... i'm so sorry." sal gestured to my dripping wet hair, "you're probably so cold." he disappeared into his bedroom, returning with a hoodie and pajama pants. "here, you can wear this if you want."

i smiled, "sorry i'm always taking your clothes."

sal's eyes widened behind his mask. his hair was dripping too and his wet shirt was plastered to his body. "n-no, it's fine. i probably should've let you get out closer instead of making you walk with me through the rain."

i shook my head still smiling, "i wouldn't have let you let do that. but i'm uh, gonna go change now." i headed towards the bathroom as sal returned to his room. though i was genuinely sorry for needing a change of clothes, i was actually freezing. i stripped my dress off and slipped sal's hoodie on. it smelled like him and instantly provided ten times more warmth. i balled up my dress and tucked it away in my bag.

when i came out, sal was still in his room so i decided to snuggle up on the couch with gizmo. he welcomed me with a small noise before curling into a ball on my lap. i stroked his head as i looked around at sal's apartment. it was always so neat and smelled so good. the colored lights adding a calming ambiance. he had posters of various bands and musicians. he also had tons of cd's and records stashed underneath his tv stand. i hadn't really known he was so musically talented and i wished i could hear more of his music. i realized there was still a lot about sal i still didn't know. the thunder became more frequent and flashes of lightening strobed the room.

"hey, sorry i took so long," sal emerged from the dark hallway in pajamas and joined me on the couch. "i'm glad gizmo was keeping you company."

"he's sweet," we watched gizmo jump down and stretch before trotting off to his water bowl.

"he really is. did you know he's actually an emotional support animal?" sal was still watching gizmo drink water.

"i didn't know that but it definitely makes sense now." i pulled my sleeves over my hands and shifted my position. though i was gradually becoming more comfortable with sal, there was still something so electric about being alone with him. i was restless even just sitting next to him here on the couch. "so, i noticed all your cds and stuff ... when'd you start collecting?"

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