Chapter 8: Return of the Cookieman

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Liam's P.O.V

"Liam. Liam are you still awake?" the whisper comes softly into my ear. I groan and turn over to see Niall's expectant eyes staring at me, his skin strangely translucent-looking in the dim light.

"Yes Niall, same as I was 10 minutes ago." I respond sleepily.

"I'm still really worried about Harry and Louis."

I stop my face from rearranging themselves into a surprised expression but then realize that Niall can't see me anyways, even so, my response is slightly delayed, "What do you mean Louis?"

"I mean did you see the way he was acting before we left? He's really broken up about this."

My thoughts flash back to about 2 hours ago, when Louis told us that we could have the other room and he would stay there with Harry. Zayn of course had almost immediately left, since he had almost fallen asleep in a standing position, and Niall had sent a worried glance at Lou before following the raven haired boy out. I remember feeling the almost insuppressible feeling of wanting to just hug Lou right on the spot, but something told me that he wasn't exactly in the mood for that sort of thing at the moment.

"You gonna be okay for now Lou?" I asked, my hand on the doorknob.

The response came slowly, so soft that I had to strain my ears to hear that one syllable, "Yeah."

I nodded and opened the door, casting worried glances at my mate, who hadn't bothered to look up at my leaving. At the last moment however, Louis glanced at me and in his eyes there was something I had never seen before, at least not on him.

He was completely and utterly hopeless.

I shook my head, trying to clear the image of Louis' dead eyes from my mind. "He's just worried about the other half of his bromance."

Niall laughs a little, "Okay then Liam. I guess I'll  try to get to sleep then."

The leprechaun turns over and the conversation ceases, leaving my ears to focus on the distant sounds from the city. I hope Lou's able to sleep.

Louis' P.O.V

I can feel my eyelids start to droop but fight against the strong wave of sleep that threatens to overcome me. One because I don't want to leave Harry alone, and two because if I fell asleep, I would probably end up falling out of this chair, which would hurt.

"That beanie was not a good fashion choice."


"Jesus Lou, who died?" Harry says as I literally tackle and envelop him in a giant bear hug.


The curly haired boy chuckles, "It's nice to see you too Lou. Now please let go, I'm having trouble breathing."

I hastily loosen my grip on Harry and scuttle backwards like some sort of deformed crab, "Sorry Haz." I get up from the bed and go to flick on the light, instantly flooding the room with it's bright glow.

"Well that's one way to wake someone up!" Harry exclaims, blinking furiously a few times before settling back down onto the pillows, "So, what'd I miss?"

I stare at him, "I think I should be the one asking the questions here Styles. How come you suddenly went from hyper butterfly to butterfly that got hit by a truck?"

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