Chapter 3 ( continued )

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Kyle's POV
What was her problem? Why can't she just be like the other girls and love me. Then, this wouldn't be so hard, ues not hard at all.

   Ugh, just thinking about her drove me crazy.

Yonight we'd get engaged and then soon married, i needed to do everything to prevent this. Everything.

Rachel's POV
What did he do to me? I could still fell his lips on my skin and how he whispered in my ears. NO! I am not doing this.

    Tonight's the engagement. I can't marry him. No way! I need to do anything to prevent this. Anything!

I headed to work.

Once done with woek i headed straight to the mansion he lived in. I looked down at my phone as i was walking to his house.

The next thing i knew was that I was on the floor. Ugh, shit!
"What's your problem!" Yelled the other person, who had also fallen.
"Ha, who?" I said. I got up, rubbing my head and looked up to see who i had bumped into.
"You!" He stopped and we both stared at each other.
"Nick/Rachel!" We both said in union.

Kyle's POV
I was just heading to my house. My father must be furious. Good! I am glad i was making her wait.

     I bet she was dieing to get this ring made out of pure jewels and gold. Just as i was about yo turn the corner i stopped when i heard voices. One was hers and the others was a... guys.

Rachel's POV
"Oh My gosh! Is this you!" Said Nick. I smiled and nodded.
"Nick! Ugh, you're so tall now!" I said and smiled.
"Oh and look at you, not chubby anymore eh!"

   I lightly punched him on his arm. I laughed. Oh, i had missed him so much.

   "I bet all those girls are falling for you now eh!" I said playfully.
"Yup, but i bet your breaking those boy's hearts ha?" He asked playfully.
"Naw, things aren't any better then they were before you left." I said. He looked at me and sighed.
"Just wait now, I'm here everything will get better. Childhood besty!"

Kyle's POV
I felt like i was on fire. Nick eh. So they were stupid best friends. Ugh, why did i even care. She could talk to whoever and do whatever. I didn't give a shit.

     I looked at her. She was laughing. It was so hard to bring that smule out on her and he wasn't even trying.

Why was i standing her anyway. It's not like i was hiding or anything. I got out and went up to them. I didn't stop, but she stopped talking, but she didn't look at me. She kept her gaze locked oh Nick's eyes.

So i decided to have some fun.

"Rachel what are you doing here?" I asked her. She looked at me.
"N... nothing." She said. She stammered.
"Do you know him?" Asked Nick.
"No/ yes!" We both said in union. She looked at me and fear seeped into her eyes.
"So do you, or you don't? " Nick asked.

Rachel's POV
He was doing this on purpose.

"Nick, I'll meet you later where we used to go when we were little!"

Before Nick could say anything, i grabbed Kyle's hand and started running. When we stopped, we both were breathing hard.

"What the heck!" He said.
"We don't have to tell him!" I screamed ack into his face.
"Well, so what if we tell him!" He screamed back.
"Why do you have to be so complicated!"i screamed.

We were standing right outside his house. Why wasn't anyone comming out already? Was his house sound proof?

"Oh! I'm the complicated one!" He said.
"Yeah!" I said.
"Well, let me know what i think about you! You are the most stupid, frustrating, Ugly, and complicated person ever! You're so stubborn, and i know your just marrying me for my money. I know easy girls like you!" He screamed into my face.

I couldn't say anything. I felt like if I did, i would start crying.

     I think he saw the hurt in my eyes. For his eyes changed and i saw something almost caring in him. Then they started falling. He gasped. One by one they hit my cheeks.

Kyle's POV
I wanted to wipe them away, and apologize for what i had said.

I'm sorry.


Later that evening we got engaged. I knew she was forcing a smile for my father. We were engaged.

Rachel's POV
That's it. We were engaged.


Hey guys!

I hope you like this chapter, if you did please comment and let me know what you think.

I love all of you guys! Thanx for reading!!!!

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