Chapter 27

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Rachel's POV
Kyle has brain tumor.

He never promised me that he'd come back.

Dyaln caused it?

Suddenly it seemed like every burden in the world weighed on my liitle shoulders.

Like everyone was depending on me.

Just like mother had depended on me.

Ahe wanted me to be strong, and take care of my liitle brother, and so i did.

But, i can't do it again.

I can't pretend.

I can't do this anymore.

And just like that darkness devoured me.

And i fell.

Dyaln's POV
She just fell, and she would have hit the hard floor, if i hadn't caught her.

"Rachel." I whispered.

I whispered her name like it would fix everything in the world.

I picked her up, and went up to her room.

I gently laid her down on her bed.

I closed the curtains, so there was no sun light comming in the room.

It was complete darkness.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whisper, but bandages don't fix bullet holes.

I moved a piece of her hair away from her face.

Rachel's POV
My eyes opened to total darkness.

I did see the outline of a body.


He was about to get uo and leave, when i reached out and grabbed his hand by the wrist.

I coundn't tell if he was looking at me or not.

"I want to know." That was all i had to say, and he sat back down.

"I never meant to harm him. I was just mad. I... I..." Hos voice was laced with fear.

I had never seen anyone like this.


"Just tell me. Please." I begged him.

I knew how hard it was to bring up a past memory, you had buried so deep.

I sat up a bit, and waited for him to continue.

"We were in our teens, he was two years older, and we had a fight. He called me illegal, since i have a diffrent father, and me being a temper head, i picked up a steel stick and hit him with it." He said it so fast, it was hard for me to even hear it, but i did.

"You hit him in the head, didn't you?" I ask, and see him nod.

I see, that's what he's scared of.

Him dying.

I close my eyes, and inhale.

He'll be back.

He kissed me, and that was an enough promise.

I moved closer to Dyaln, and hugged him.

He stiffened up, but then he let go.

To always have this feeling that you're the reason why.

To have the feeling of always being blamed.

To have the feeling of always, always being afraid.

"It's not okay, but it's not you're fault either." I whispered.

Dyaln's POV
Everyone had always said it's okay, when it wasn't.

Everyone had pitied me.

She told me the truth.

She didn't blame me, she accepted it.

I let everything go.

I didn't care, if she was watching or not.

I cried.

I melted into her embrace, and cried.

"I want him to be okay. "I cried, and she soothed me.

She patted my hair.

"Shh, Shh... it'll be alright. He promised me, he'll be back."i whisper.

He'll be back, cause I'll wait for him forever.

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Hey guys!!

Not the story line you were expecting?


Well comments and votes are appreciated.

Please, please let me know what you think about this.


And i will be, DEFINITELY be ending this book, in about 5-10 chapters!!





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