The Thief

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We're face to face.

"That's basically admitting that you like me." He whispers in my ear.

I can already feel the heat in my cheeks, and I know I'm blushing.

He chuckles, and kisses the back side of my ear.

"Mm... No,not...-" But he shushes me.

My knees feel weak, and my heart is definitely going to explode today!

i grab onto his shirt, and try not to fall.

He kisses my lips, and maybe for the first time i like it.

Then there's a knock on the door, and we move away. Like super sonic fast.

The door opens, and in the door way stands a maid.

We both sigh, and she looks at me, and then at him.

"Your father is calling you down for dinner." She says and leaves.

When she leaves, i look around,  and wait for him to say something.

"..." I want to say something, but what?

He walks out the door, and i follow him.

Father, is already sitting at the table, and the maids are setting up the food.

They have so many dishes, do they eat everything.

Is this what they get everyday?

I wonder what Will and Nick are eating right now.

I wonder how mother is.

I sit on the opposite side of father, facing him.

Kyle comes and site beside me.

When the table is set, i hear the clicking sound of heels, and i instantly know who it is.

Kyle's mother.

I glance at kyle, and it's like he's stiffen up. Earlier to, he hadn't finished his sentences, and everytime he didn't he would look at me.

I wonder Why. 

His mother comes, and just as she's about to pass me, she looks at me.

"Emma, this is Kyle's wife, Rachel. Rachel this is Emma, Kyle's mother." Kyle let's out a low luagh, and his mother just stares at me.

Did father just say WIFE instead of Fiancé?

She has wide eyes, but i don't want yo compare them with Kyle's, for some reason. Her wavy brown hair, were long and pretty.

Her blood red lips were slightly apart, and it was like she was going to lazer beam my body with that glare of hers.

She flipped her hair, and with a smile she sat down.

The maids served the food, and it was some unknown fancy dish.

The knives and forks to a side.

Honestly I've never had a fancy dish before, so how do i eat this.

At one time i wouldn't have cared, but with Kyle's mother sitting there and glaring at me, it all of a sudden matters.

What should i do?

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, i could feel the glare, ugh i felt so embarrassed.

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