Chapter 23

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Dinner is quite.

Father, like always, eats in silence.

Kyle glares at his food, and Dylan eats while he's humming.

Later, after everyone's done eating, we all excuse ourselves.

Father calls kyle to his room, and i can't help but wonder about what.

Dylan shuts his rooms door behind him, and i head to my pwn room.

I pick up my phone, an dlook to see i have 5 missed calls, and 35 missed text messages.

All from Nick. ( her best friend )

I call him, and wait as i hear the ring tone.

"Hello."He says.

"Hey!" I reply back.

"What? Are you to busy for your friend?" He asks me.

I know he's playing around, but that stung a bit.

I know i haven't been paying attention to him and my little brother, but...

No, he's right. It's not like i do much anyway.

"No, it's not like that Nick." I finally manage to answer.

"Sure." He says bitterly.

What's gotten into him?

"Is it sis?" I hear Will ask in the back round.

"Can i talk to Will?" I ask.

"Hmm." Nick replies.

"Hello." Aww, i miss his voice.

"Hey, Willy, how ya doing?" I ask him.

"Great! Nick takes real good care of me!" He says, and tears prick at my eyes.

Nick's done so much, and i think he's having an attitude!

What's wrong with ME?!

"Here." I hear Will say.

"Hey there." Nick says again.

Kyle's POV
I walk down the hallway, towards her room.

"Hey, look I'm really sorry Nick, I've been a jerk ass lately, and i really am sorry." She says.

I enter the room, making sure not to make any noise, and hug her from behind.

Lately I've been getting this kind of feeling.

Like i won't be able to live without her, like she's the sun, the sky i need to wake up to.

Rachel's POV
Kyle hugs me from behind, and i let put a gasp in surprise.

I try to turn around, but he wouldn't let me.

"Rachel, Rachel are you there?" Nick asks me.

"Um, yeAh!" I say, as Kyle's nose skims across my neck.

He kisses my shoulder, and softly kisses all the way up to behind my ear.

I mentally moan, as hia soft lips touch my skin, and bite down on my tounge to hold myself from actually moaning.

"Um, Nick, i really have to go, I'll call you back!" I say, and hang up fast.

"Kyle!" I try to scold, but it comes out as a sigh.

"Hmm." He asks.

What should i tell him, to stop, to coutinue?

"What did father want?" I ask, and he stops.

I stay still, and turn around to look into his worried eyes.

"Kyle what is it?" I ask him, taking his face in my hands.

"I love you." He whispers.

His forehead, against mine. His hands on my neck, and mine on his face.

I was really surprised, and taken back.

"Do you love me to?" He asks.

Should i confess?

Should i say yes.

He holds me tighter, bringing me closer to him.

Like he's afraid of losing me.

Like he's afraid if he let's go, he won't be able to catch me again.

And i feel like if i say yes, he'll lose all control.

I nod, and in my head i say yes.

"No! I want to hear you say it." He says.

I look up, and he has his eyes closed, his jaw clenched, his chest moves up and down, because of his breathing.

Kyle's POV
I'm scared.

I'm scared of her answer.

If she says no, I'll be lost.

I'll be heart broken.

But if she says yes.

Then I'll have to tell her.

I'll have to tell her the one thing that i can't tell her.

The one thung i don't wnat to tell her.

If i do, i wonder if she'll still stays with me.

Rachel's POV
I stare at his face.

Is he scared of my answer?

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