Chapter 26

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The ride was shorter than i expected.

We were home before i knew it.

We had stopped right infront of the door, and i realized we were really here.


After what seems like forever, i decide to get off.

I stare staright ahead, and try to calm myself.

It's like i feel everything at once.

Anger. Pian. Fear. Sadness.

"Hey, come on." I look up at Dyaln.

He stares back with a smile, but a smile that's not true.

He's putting on a front.

Trying to hide behind a mask, just like i used to.

"You don't have to smile." I say, and walk past him, into the house.

Dyaln's POV
I do have to smile.

I walk in after her, and she heads straight up for her room.

I hear the loud thump as her room's door closing.

I walk into the kitchen, and sitting there with father is kyle.

I stare at them, and they look back.

"Did you tell her what your going there for?" I ask kyle.

He says nothing, and stares at his food.

"I'm done." He says and leaves.

Why am i so miserable?

Why is our life like this?

Both brother's miserable because of their past.

One girl, who's afraid of love.

Is this love?

Kyle's POV
I walk upstairs, and stop outside her room.

I knock.

She doesn't answer.

I knock agian.

She doesn't answer again.

"Rachel please open the door." I say, and the door finally opens.

I enter, and she shuts the door behind us.

"Rachel look, please try to understand." I say, as i turn around and look into her puffy red eyes, and parted dry lips.

She is miserable, because of me.

Another tear escapes her eyes, and i pull her into me.

I cup her face, and kiss the tears off her cheek.

"Don't be hurt." I whisper.

"Hmm." Is all she says.

"It won't be long." I whisper, as i put my forehead against hers.

It might be.

"Hmm." Agian the same respond.

She has her eyes closed, and her jaw clenched.

Like she's trying to hold it all back.

"Please Rachel, say something." I beg her.

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