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Rue had been spending every waking hour with jules. I honestly was happy she had found someone who makes her happy but I resented the fact she was spending more time with jules and less with me.
As soon as I got home after school that I realised rue wasn't there. Probably out with jules again. I decided to bike over to fez's since my house was painfully quiet without rue.
Ashtray was doing some weird shit with his drugs under a magnifying glass. I was way to close behind him because it was funny to see him uncomfortably squirm around and look back at me annoyed every so often.  I was only there about an hour when rue herself showed up.
"Yo open the door"she shouted to the camera
"What's rue doing here"I said
"What the fuck you want" ash said
"Yo who is it man" fez shouted from the other room.
"Rue" ash said
"Tell her to come back later" fez said
I guess that means I have to leave now too.
"Yo to late bitch" she walked in
"Yo who the fuck are you"I joked and she flipped me off
"Hold on hold on you can't be in here right now" fez said
"Yo you gotta go too" ash turned to me and fez argued with rue in the other room.
"Ye I know let me go get rue"I sighed
I walked into the living room.
"Give me drugsss"Rue said to fez In a breathy voice
"This is dead serious. Yo rue.."the phone started ringing.
"I could fucking kill you right now" fez said.
Shit, so could I.
"Rue what the fuck" I ran over to her and whisper shouted to her.
"Have you got anything on you"she whisper shouted back.
"Oxys" I replied
"Yes"she replied
"Yo ash they here"fez said
"Shut up shut up"I said hitting her
Fez pulled a gun out the cushion and made eye contact with me. He looked scared.

Moments later me and rue where sitting on the couch when mouse said to fez.
"Yo these your little bitches"
" nah bruh that's like my family"he replied
"Well hello there fez's family" he kneeled down kissing both our hands.
"My name is mouse, it's a pleasure to meet you two" he said, I was so creeped out
"Yo Custer Chuck me that bag" mouse said
I felt like I was having a panic attack . I looked down. I didn't want anyone in this room to notice. Especially not mouse.
I looked back up, then over to ash in the doorway. His eyes where already on me.he looked tense.
"7,750" mouses accomplice said.Was it over?
" you sure you don't want no fentanyl"mouse asked
"Nah man I'm cool of that shit" he said
" too many ODs and I don't want the heat" he said
" what about yall, lil sisters, you ever tried fentanyl?" Mouse asked
Ashtray looked like he was going to pop a vein, he took a step forward but fez shook his head at him to tell him to calm down and he did.
"No" rue said
"Uhuh" I followed
"Nah their good bro" fez said
He sat down beside me.leaning into my ear he said
"You gonna let big brother talk for yall"he said
Now I know my limits, this mouse guy was dangerous. But when I feel threatened I think about what I want to react like as the most angry version of myself and that's how I react. Regardless of the consequences.
"I'm good" the first wave of anxiety was over and the adrenaline was talking for me. I feel like I could flip a bus. I looked him directly in the eyes, inches away from his face.
"Damn, lil sisters tough" he laughed
"Yo for real bruh I don't want her fucking with that shit"fez said
I hated being put in these situations. I'm not scared and will hold my own.every bone in my body wants to lean over and bite this dudes ear off for thinking he could get so close to me. My logic and common sense was barely holding me back.
"You like that feeling when you cum so hard you can't feel or hear shit?you like that feeling? Shit you gonna love this"he said
He put it up to my mouth. I looked over at ash, he was shaking his head he was pale and shaking. The truth is I wanted to take it anyway. Plus I didn't see another way out without getting fez into trouble. Fuck it.
I felt it nearly straight away. I was fighting with all my strength to stay upright. To keep my eyes open. To stay conscious.
"It hits quick, you like the way that feels " he asked
Lifting my legs over his
"You want a couple of patches?" Mouse asked
"Yea" I said
" it's gonna cost you 300" he said
"Come on pay up lil sis"
"Got no fucking money" I mumbled
"Tst, I need 300" he said
"I'll just give it back" I said
" I have a strict no return policy" mouse said
"Mouse let me pay for it man"fez chimed I'm
" I thought you was too good for fentanyl, what is it everyone changing their fucking minds on me" "if she can't afford it she gonna have to find another way to pay me, straight up" mouse said
"Fuck no" I said
"Yo man just let me pay for it" fez repeated
"Got the money right here"he pulled money out his pocket
"Dang big brother must love you,gonna cost you 600 now man"mouse said
"You gonna do me like that bruh" fez said
" yea I'm gonna do you like that straight up" mouse replied
"Always a pleasure doing business with you"mouse said 
Once mouse left and fez was sure he was gone he turned to ash and said
" go flush that shit down the toilet, and go grab the narcan, just in case "
"here you go" ash came back in
Rue spoke for the first time since since mouse left.
"Can I take her home" rue asked barely above a whisper
"No you can't" ash said to rue sternly , tensing up
" yea rue just give it a minute until we know she's ok"fez said more softly. Ashtray looked furious and turned to fez shouting
" this was her fucking fault , abbi would of been long gone before mouse got here if she didn't come here fucking around" ash said, shaking with anger.
" ash it's ok bro" fez said
"No it's not fucking ok, and she's staying here" he added on the end glaring at rue
Who silently nodded with tears in her eyes
Just then I started coughing and shaking.
Ash ran over.
" sit her up bro" fez shouted
I vomited everywhere then went limp
Fez tried shaking me I couldn't stay conscious.
"Dude she's freezing" ash said, panicking
" I knew this would fucking happen bruhh" fez said annoyed and scared
"Rue pass the fucking narcan" ash said waving his hands trying to get her attention
" RUE!" Fez screamed at her to no use, before getting up and getting them himself
Putting about 5 into my mouth.
Ash was now holding me to stop me from shaking until they kicked in, Eventually my movements slowed and my breathing went back to normal, ash looked up glaring at rue.
"I'm gonna go"she said quietly.
"I'm sorry" I said, while ash pulled me up fully on top of him.

Okay now I'm sad,poor abbi:((
Also worried and protective ash is sooo😩😩😩 anyway this is the longest chapter I've done so far so go me. Lmk what you think

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