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"Abbi?" Ash asked at the door
I didn't answer
"I was gonna go asleep do you want me to sleep on the the couch for tonight"he said
"No its ok"I said
He came in cautiously and sighed when he saw me.
"Are you gonna have something to eat, I can make you something"ash said
"No"I said
He got into bed and pulled me towards him.
"She doesn't know what's she's doing"ash said
"She does" I said
He looked at me for a while then gave up.
"What are you feeling" he asked
"How do I look" I laughed
"Beautiful, what are you feeling"he said slightly firmly
"Sad. Or angry, I think" I said
"Angry? At who" he asked
"I don't know" I said
"When you do figure it out, don't do something stupid" he said
"Like what" I chuckled again
Ash didn't laugh.
"I honestly don't know anymore" he said
I rolled over signalling to ashtray the conversation was over. He layed down clearly not wanting to push.
When we woke up I immediately felt embarrassed. At how I had acted and how I looked. I got up and got a shower. When I left our room I looked over to see fez on the couch. He looked up at me and I immediately felt uncomfortable.
"Hey"I said
"Hey kid, how you holding up" He said
"I'm fine, thanks"I said
"You going out"he asked
"I was just gonna go get a shower"I said
"Oh cool cool"he said
I walked scurried off into the bathroom.
Once I had my shower I walked into mine and ash's room and picked out an outfit. When I got a text from- maddie?

Come over

Sure..is everything ok

I can't say it rn. I'll explain when you get here

Alright. Be ready in 15

When I got to maddies she opened the door before I even had the chance to knock,grabbing my arm and pulling me in her house.
"What is going on maddie!" I said
Once we got up to her room. She closed the door and sighed.
"I am going to fucking ruin Nate jacobs and I need your help"she said
"What-ma"I started
"Sh. Look"she said pulling out a disc
"What's that" I said cautiously
"This, abbi, is everything" she said with a mischievous grin
I sat in silence until she marched off to grab her laptop. She put in the disc and we both sat on her bed as she pressed play. I saw jules and..cal jacobs?!
"What!" I said
"I know"she said smiling
"Maddie this is amazing. Where did you get this?"I asked
"It doesn't matter. You should be asking why I have it" she said taking out the disk and returning it to her handbag.
"Look I have to babysit this kid in an hour then you can come back over to hear the plan"she said
"Sure ok" I said getting up.

Once I got back to fez's i found lexi and fez together on the couch.
"Lexi?"I asked
"Hey" she said
"Why are you crying"I asked
She looked and fez and laughed. I was worried I had interrupted something beautiful.
"Where's ash"I asked
"Watching the cameras"fez said
"Ok, have fun" I chuckled
God they where adorable.
"Ash" I said
"Why the fuck are you so happy" he said
"It doesn't matter, have you seen them two out there!" I asked
"Yea fez is acting weird as fuck"he said
"Oh ash it's called love" I said dramatically
"Yea well it's freaking me out"he said getting up to pee
"Well, it shouldn't, be happy for him"I shouted after him
He came back and lit up a joint.handing it to me.
"Nope"I said
"What?" He said
"I've got important business to attend to"I said
"What business"he said
I raised my eyebrow up to him then walked up to him.
"Be patient" I said leaning down to kiss his cheek then walking away
I went and changed into joggers and a oversized shirt then text maddie to see if she was free yet. She said she was so I left. Not bothering to let fez know and further interrupt him and lexi.
"Hey"maddie said, pulling up to her own house just as I got there
"Hey pretty" I said
"You will never believe what the woman who's kid I babysit told me today" she said
"Nothing can shock me at this point" I said as I followed her up to her room.
She dragged me to her bathroom while she changed so she could carry on explaining what happened with the woman.
"No fucking way, but she's cool right?" I asked
"Yea I mean, I thought she was"maddie said walking back out of the bathroom.
I heard a gun click and ran out
"What are you doing here" maddie asked
Nate was sitting on a chair in the corner of maddies room. Every feeling I had towards him was rising to the surface as I saw him pointing a gun at maddie. And I felt the cold metal of my own gun against my stomach, tucked into my pants
"Don't worry I'm not here to apologise" he said
I tried to assess the situation. Despite having a gun in his hands, Nate looked little, emotionally exhausted, and vulnerable. I could mold this situation. I wondered if he knew what he was doing here. Maddie hadn't told me enough to get an idea if Nate knew about the tape or not. If he was here because he was having a crisis or emotional break, i could work with it. But if he came with an intention.....
"Could you imagine if I was sitting here with a gun, forcing you to accept my apology, abbi you can go now" he said paying me no attention.
"Fuck no" I said
"Does she know" he asked
With no answer he slowly nodded
"Your scaring me" maddie said
"Ye, that's kinda the point"Nate said
"You won't do anything with that gun. How could that possibly benefit you" I said
"Tsk, you don't tell that to the person holding the gun abbi" he said
"Having a gun doesn't mean your in control, doesn't mean your safe" I said
"So threatening, I think you underestimate me"Nate said
"Oh trust me I don't, I know if you could, you would use that thing, I just know your smarter than that" I said
He sighed and got up walking towards us.
He grabbed maddie gently and sat her on the bed. I tensed but waited, he would not use that gun.
"I know you better than anyone in this world" he said to maddie
"I humiliated you ,it's over"
He then got up and picked up her necklace
"Why do you think my dad used to film himself fucking?" He asked
" I don't know what your talking about"maddie said
"Can you believe it was jules"he asked
"I'm gonna need that disc now"
"I have it" I said as he turned to me
"Ok" he said turning the gun on maddie
He wouldn't use it.
Once he got closer to maddie I knew I had to do something.I pulled out my gun and cocked it pointing it at Nate. Maddie gasped.
He got up and pointed the gun at me, then he smiled and turned the gun on himself. Pulling the trigger once.
"Stop Nate stop!" Maddie sobbed
"Please stop it stop it!"
He cocked it again
"It's in my purse it's in my purse" she said
He went up got the disk and sat back on the bed.I walked up to him and pushed the gun to side of his head.
He slowly turned towards me
"I'm only gonna use this if I have to" I said
"The gun was fake"he said
I struck him with the side of the gun and maddie screamed.
"It's ok maddie" I said not taking my eyes off Nate
He looked up at me. He looked helpless, truly childlike.
"Get out" I said
"Maddie im sorry"he said turning towards her
I moved the gun from the side of his head to the front in his face,so I could lead him to door .
"Out" I said lowly
He slowly got up walked out. As soon as he was gone I put the gun down and ran to maddie holding her.
"He's gone it's ok" I said
"Can you stay please" she asked
"Yea of course" I said stroking her hair

God what am I gonna write about now, no more ash scenes left. I know i said we'd fuck up Nate but idk if it's gonna fit into the plot until next ep so we wait.also poor maddie. My jaw was on the floor in this scene.

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