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I woke up to 8 missed calls from fez and 3 from ash. I immediately picked up the phone and called fez.
"Yo where the fuck are you at I'm not playing wit you"fez asked
"I'm at maddies she's going through something" I said
"You didn't tell me you where staying out "he said
"I know i forgot"I said
"Tell me if your staying out bruh"he said frustrated but relieved
"Ok, I will, I'm sorry"I said
"Is that abbi?"ash asked in the background
"Yea she's at maddies"fez said
"Fucking call me" I heard him shout angrily through the phone
"I wouldn't if I was you"he laughed humourlessly
"I'll be back in an hour tops,sorry I made you worry"I said
"It's fine just let me know next time"he said
"Promise,Love you" I said
"Love you kid" he said
I hung up the phone and maddie sat up.
"What's your deal with them"she asked
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Why do you live with them"she asked
"It's complicated" I said
"Do they always act like your fucking dad"she chuckled
"Yea they do, fez I get,but ash is just a prick. But they do only act that way because they care "I chuckled back
"But you stay?. I mean would hate to live with someone my own age who acts like my guardian"she asked
"Maddie... I'm like unhinged I don't blame them"I laughed
"I mean, I guess that's basically how Nate was with me" she said thoughtfully.
"Ash isn't anything like Nate" I said immediately
She crooked her hair and smirked
"Do you like him"she said excitedly
"I just said he isn't like Nate. I don't think anyone is quite like Nate" I said saving myself
"Mhm.."she said thoughtfully
Before abruptly saying
"I don't want to talk about Nate anymore"
We sat in silence for a while.
"I never liked you" I said honestly
"Neither" she said back
"I think I just hated nate and you loved him"I said
"I wish we had been friends sooner. I could of done with a psycho bitch who had the balls so slap some sense into me before I made the biggest mistake of my life"she said
"Psycho!?maddie your like feral! I think your my twin flame" I said maliciously
"We're too dangerous as friends"she said grinning from ear to ear
"That's what I'm counting on"I said

I walked in and ash was sitting on the couch.I looked over and he looked pissed. His eyebrows where knitted together while he stared through the tv rather than at it. Faye looked warily between us. One thing I had forgot lately because of how nice he was being,was that ash is a very moody person. He blows everything out of proportion and loves conflict. I could already feel the anger radiating off him as soon as I walked in.
He looked over his shoulder and scoffed when he saw me.
"What" I said rather aggressively
"What the fuck do you think"he said
"I stayed out and forgot to tell you once?"I said
"Did you just stay out? Nothing else happen? You expect me to believe that shit. Abbi fucking Bennett decides she's gonna have a nice friendly sleep over for fun?"he said
"What! Not everythings some big massive fucking conspiracy ashtray!" I said
"Yo do I look fucking stupid to you?" He said
"Yea you do, your blowing up on me over a fucking sleepover!"I said
"I. Know. Your. Not telling me something!"he said getting up and walking up to me.
"What are you my fucking dad!" I said
"you want me to act like a fucking dad? Your not leaving this house till you stop with all the bullshit!"he said
"Do you realise how psychotic you sound, how the actual fuck are you gonna stop me from leaving the house!" I said
"Yea that's like, really possessive"Faye said
Ash clenched his jaw and looked at Faye, then back at me. He took a few steps forward so he was towering over me.
"Imma find out Whatever the fuck it is your planning"he said
"I'm.not.planning.anything"I said sternly
"I don't fucking believe you"he said back
"I don't really give a shit"I said walking away
I walked into our room and made a point to slam to door. I sat down on the bed and took my shoes off when I heard fez walk into the living room.
"Glad I missed that"he said
"Yea"ash muttered
The next thing I heard made my heart stop
"Yo ash the glocks gone"fez said
"I'm gonna fucking kill her" I heard him say as he marched towards our room. His voice shaking with anger.he flung the door open and when his eyes found me grabbed me by my upper arm and dragged me to stand up. I shook his arm off and pushed him back.
"Where's the gun!"he said trying to stop me from pushing him by grabbing my arms but i kept fighting him. He pinned my arms against the wall then fez ran in and grabbed my arms so ash could search me. Once he lifted up my top he saw the gun in my joggers he took it out and threw it on the bed.
"Who the fuck takes a gun to a sleepover!"he screamed. I just sat silent, not knowing how to lie my way out of the situation.
"If I didn't have that gun maddie could of died!"I said
"Then why the fuck didn't you say that. Why did you lie, when the fuck did you start lying to us!"he said
"Yo ash chill out bruh"fez said putting a hand on his shoulder
"She's gonna get herself killed!" He said shrugging him off. He got closer stopping an inch away from my face and looking at me expectantly, when I said nothing he scoffed, picking up the gun from the bed and walking out slamming the door.
"Yo your worrying me too you know" he said
" I don't know why" I said
"Your not fucking invincible abbi, I don't know just...fucking care a lil more bout yo life an shit so we can sleep at night. I mean, I don't want u leaving the house no more without me or ash.I consider you under my care and it's what's I thinks best for you . Now I love you kid but unless you wanna move back wit yo mom you gotta do what I say "fez said
I stared at him for a long while. Looking for hope to negotiate. I saw in his eyes the decision was final and I was too tired to carry on arguing.

I'm genuinely lost about what too write about. Only 3 more days until the new episode!!! Hopefully ash gets a decent amount of screen time. Also abbi and maddie being friends😩😩I cannot wait to write more about it. Anyway what did yall think. Kinda a flop but hey it's an update!!

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