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As I neared the school after a distance, I caught sight of people staring at me and quickly lowered my gaze. I just can't think of why someone would want to approach me unless they want to hurt me.

I found the office and walked in cautiously. "H-Hi," I stumbled over my words slightly. The lady seemed friendly enough but who knows what she could do? "Hey there! Ayla, yes? Wait a minute I have your schedule somewhere here. Uh, is it here? No? Here?" she muttered to herself, fumbling through the papers on her desk.

"I swear I had yours!" she said in frustration. Kindly, she smiled at me and said, "It's alright, I'll place you in all of Jasper's classes, you can just follow him around." I gulped a little. Already?!

The door opened and a jingle rang through the office. "Miss! I'm here, I'm here!" Someone burst in, panting laboriously. I jumped a little at the loud sound. Turning around, I looked at him for a split second, already nervous that he might hurt me. He had a goofy smile on his face and looked quite cute, but had on a pair of geeky specs. "Show Ayla around the school, okay? She will be in all of your classes," she told him.

"C'mon, let's get to class. We're gonna be late," Jasper said in a friendly tone. I nodded and followed him out. He eyed me cautiously and blushed a little when I caught him staring. "Listen, if you stick with me, you won't be accepted by the rest of the student body. You should request another student guide, if you do that, you could even be popular," he said sadly. My eyes widened slightly. Please, I thought, but didn't dare to say anything. I smiled tentatively at him and said, "I couldn't ever be, and I don't really care about popularity." I heard him mutter, "And she's nice too." My eyebrows raised slightly, w-who was he talking about?

The first half of the day flew by without event, and then the real problem arose. It was lunch. I had forgotten to pack my lunch! Jasper had rushed off the minute the bell rang, leaving me alone. My heart palpitated as I slowly pushed open the double doors which led into the cafeteria. Slowly, I walked down the hall of fame, hearing whispers as I went along.

"Who the fuck is she?" "She's fucking hot." "Damn baby I want to fuck her." I started to panic a little from all the crude remarks. Was everyone in this school vulgar and sex-oriented? I didn't dare to meet anyone's gaze and fidgeted uncomfortably. The whispers didn't stop and every sentence wasn't ever lacking of the f word.

I've always hated that word as it reminded me of father. It was as if he was lurking in every corner, and again, I wondered how many eyes he had in this school. He seemed to be known wherever he went. He was pretty rich, but I don't get that luxurious life, of course.

A few wolf whistles rang through the air and I grimaced. Suddenly, a loud growl emanated and there was sudden, absolute silence. I stiffened; that sounded like father when he was mad at me. I felt an intense gaze burning a hole into my back but I didn't dare to turn.

I ordered in a rush, and carried my tray which had an apple and a bottle of water to the table which Jasper was sitting alone at. "S-Sorry, can I sit here?" He looked around quickly and saw everyone staring. "No, trust me you don't want to."

"Please!" I pleaded in a whisper. He nodded hesitantly and I placed my tray down before taking a seat. "What the fuck is that hot chick doing, sitting with that loser?" I heard a whisper. I frowned in confusion, what? Was I the "hot chick" here? I'm not totally dense okay. But god forbids I think that they're blind AND dumb. Can't they see that I'm fat, ugly and worthless? Well, shoot me if I believe in what I've been told for so many years. But I kept my mouth shut and bit into my apple.

"That's all you're eating?" Jasper eyed my food skeptically. I shrugged indifferently. I hardly eat anymore because father doesn't give me money and I've grown used to it.

"Ayla, do you know that guy over there?" Jasper said slowly.

I frowned and shook my head. "I don't know anyone here except you," I said softly. "Look over there at that guy whose name you shouldn't know." A hint of a smile appeared on my lips at his poor attempt of possessiveness. I looked over and my eyes caught sight of a guy staring at me intensely. My eyes trailed over to his heavily-muscled arms and 6-packs. I gulped a little, thinking of what he could do to me. No, not in that sick way you pervs.

Fear radiated inside me as I thought of him flinging me across the room. Quickly, I tore my gaze away from him. "Hey, you okay?" Jasper touched my shoulder, concern evident on his face. I flinched a little as a natural instinct. Every time someone touched me, I could only think of it as trying to inflict pain on me. I nodded quickly, trying to cover up my mistake. Jasper's eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything. Ugh! Stupid! I chided myself in my head. This was how my previous teacher had found out!

I walked out with Jasper once he had finished. It might have been my imagination, but I thought I had heard another growl... Was this school overrun with dogs?! 

The Alpha's Abused MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora