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The final bell rang and students brushed past me in an attempt to get out of the classroom. I winced a little when one of them hit my shoulder where a large bruise was. Ouch, that hurt. I heal very slowly, so whatever injuries I had from when I was with father still hurt like they were from yesterday. I picked up my books and Jasper and I walked out of the classroom in a comfortable silence.

I put my head down as students stared at us. Not looking where I was going, I bumped into a wall. Groaning in pain from the aggravated wounds, I almost fell on my ass when i was pulled into a rock-hard chest. Sparks exploded everywhere. My eyes widened a little as I realised I had bumped into the scary guy from the cafeteria just now.

"S-sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I mumbled softly hoping he wouldn't hurt me. "It's alright, are you okay?" He asked in concern. I bit my lip and nodded, staring at the ground.

He let go of me and glared at Jasper with a burning hatred before leaving, brushing past my sore shoulder again. I winced.

"Hey, are you okay? Let me take a look at that shoulder." Jasper said gently, gripping my other shoulder lightly. Sadly, almost every part of me was bruised. He frowned when he noticed my pained expression. Oops.

I gave out a strangled "no" when he tried to roll up my sleeve. A harsh growl resonated in the hallway. I looked over. It was Mr. Scary guy from the cafeteria. "What's his name? He looks like he would like me for dinner." I whispered to Jasper.

"Alexander. And he's dangerous, don't go near him, I don't want you to get hurt."

I nodded. Figured. He was very big and muscled; I was scared of him.


I walked home slowly, groaning at my injuries. I had a ton of homework waiting for me when I got back.

There was someone sitting outside my apartment door. Curious, I walked towards him.

My blood ran cold and my breath stilled. It was father! My heart palpitated madly. So soon?!

"You little fucker how dare you run away," Dad said in a deadly calm voice. I cringed inwardly, holy cow am I in for it today. "Why can't you do anything right?!" He seethed angrily. 

And then came the beating. By the time he was done I could barely breathe, but for homework's sake I tried to stay awake. Through blurry eyes, I saw that it was already 2am and I was due to wake up at 5am.

Oh, to heck with it! I succumbed to the darkness hoping that my teachers would give me a chance tomorrow.


I woke up at 5am on the dot. Forgetting how badly I had been beaten up yesterday, I stood up in a rush. I stifled a groan and bit the insides of my cheek as I collapsed onto the couch. Oh man now I got my blood on it!

I limped over to the shower and cried out softly as the water beat down on my open wounds. The water was soon mixed with blood and my salty tears.

I pulled on my usual outfit after cleaning up the mess in the bathroom and living room. Applying some foundation to hide the bruises on my face, I left the deep cut alone as my make-up couldn't cover it. I'll just say I fell down the stairs then.

Today's journey hurt more than yesterday's. I limped all the way down the rocky road, but before entering the school, I steadied myself so as not to raise any suspicions.

I walked into class and sat down on a random seat, using my hair as a curtain so that no one could see the cut on my face. You see, I'm a pretty bad liar. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me and my head snapped up. It was Mr. Scary guy! I swallowed nervously and shifted to the edge of my seat. His unnerving gaze was frightening me. Today, he was dressed in a tight white shirt which showed his muscles. It felt as if the shirt would rip apart if he so much as moved a muscle.

"Done checking me out? Take a picture it'll last longer," he said smugly. I blushed and quickly turned away, shaking slightly because of his sexy expression.

Oh my lord kill me for thinking in such an un-holy way!

"Did anyone not do their homework yesterday?" Mr. Wilhem called out. Oh shoot! I raised my hand up slowly, fidgeting slightly as everyone turned to look at me. I saw Mr. Wilhem frown a little as he checked my name on a piece of paper. Luckily, he didn't call me out on it.

Halfway through the lesson, Mr. Scary guy whispered to me, "Hey. What's the answer to Q2?" My heart started to pump a little quicker as I told him my answer.

"Miss Rae and Mr. Mason. Please stop chatting. Detention after school today." Mr. Wilhem said sternly. Holy cow, I'm really dead this time. I shuddered as I thought about the punishment I was in for tonight.

I cursed silently under my breath. Well, not exactly, I don't really use vulgarities. "What the hell just happened to you, you weirdo. You've gone white," Mr. Scary guy said. I looked at him shakily and shook my head slowly as my neck still hurt from the bruises.

He looked at me weirdly as I bit my lip. The harsh beating flashed before my closed eyelids and I heaved a huge breath. "C'mon, detention with me won't be that bad, right?" He looked a little worried, but it was probably just me hallucinating. "No, it's nothing," I whispered, but he didn't look convinced.

The Alpha's Abused MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant