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Father stirred. I gasped and backed away. He pushed himself up clumsily and glowered at me. I lowered my head in sadness. Why is he always mad at me? He stumbled back into his room. Only then did I let out the breath I never knew I was holding.

Half an hour later, just as I had finished getting ready for school, the doorbell rang. Grabbing my bag, I walked over and opened it. There was a well-built stranger standing on my doorstep. The moment he raised his head, I gasped and stumbled backwards.

Those eyes.... That nose....

"B-Brother?" I barely managed to choke out. I felt light-headed and disoriented. Maybe I was just seeing things from the loss of blood. He was staring at me, eyes full of emotion. "Yes, it's me, my baby sister," he whispered. The world started to spin a little and I nearly fell over. "Woah!" he exclaimed, steadying me by holding onto my waist. With a cry of pain, my body went limp. He gasped in shock and loosened his grip.

"A-Are you okay?" he asked uncertainly. I saw a flash of pain in his eyes. Gently, he lifted me up and placed me onto the couch, before lifting up my shirt gingerly. I said weakly, "R-Ray.... D-Don't...." But it was too late. He had seen, and he was mad.

Pupils dilating and nostrils flaring, he asked in a dangerous voice, "Where the fuck is he?!" His whole body tensed up and my attention was brought to his bulging muscles. My eyes widened, had he been working out?

Slowly recovering from the shock of my brother's sudden arrival, a wave of heartache crashed over me. A treacherous tear slipped down my cheek. "I can't believe you're back," I whispered as more tears escaped. "Shh baby, I told you I would come back, didn't I?" he calmed down upon seeing my tears. "Th-Three years... That w-was more than enough to make me believe you weren't coming back," I said quietly.

He looked torn as he said, "I'm so sorry Ayla. I know nothing I do can ever make you forgive me, but-" Interrupting him, I told him softly, "I've already forgiven you." I smiled at him. He looked shocked, his jaw hanging open. "W-What no no no! You can't forgive me that easily! You gotta scream at me a-and throw your heels at me or something," he said frantically.

"It's alright. I think I understand how you felt. If you could escape from Father, why wouldn't you do that? I would too. I mean I wouldn't but..." I grew flustered. "It's okay, I've grown used to the fact that I'm not good enough... I deserve this, anyway," I continued sadly, but meant every word I said. It was all true. The problem must lie with me, after all, you don't see any other broken families.

Ray looked upset. "It's not your fault baby girl! It's not your fault! Don't talk about yourself in that way! You're too precious to be true! I'm the one at fault. I should never have left. I had planned to come back the next day, but something happened to me that night, and I was too scared to come back. I didn't mean to hurt or leave you baby girl, I swear on my pa-" He cut off suddenly.

"On your birthday every year, I whispered a wish to you and bought a cake too, do you know?" I smiled. Ray looked like his heart broke. "I'm so sorry baby girl... I'll always be here.... How can I make it up to you? I love you so much, please don't hate me..."

"I don't, Ray... I love you too," Saying this made me blush as I thought of Alex. Ray's face lit up and he asked mischievously, "OHHH! Who's the lucky guy?" he teased me. I blushed even harder, "No no, not lucky... I'm just a burden."

Suddenly Father's room's door opened and he groaned, "Who the fuck is here?" Ray immediately hid me behind his back protectively. He stood up, flexing his muscles. "Hello again dear father." Father visibly paled and gulped. This was not missed by Ray's sharp eyes. "Scared now, huh? So, who was the one who caused all those scars on my baby girl's body?!" he yelled.

"Please... don't hurt me son... I just got beaten up by another guy..." Father pleaded pathetically and closed his door again. Ray looked surprised by the abrupt end of conversation. He turned back to me and asked, "Who's the mystery guy? I don't think he's worth my baby girl," he pouted.

"U-Uh, n-no one... We're n-not together yet," I replied vaguely. Ray smirked but did not pursue it any further. "Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that I'll be starting school today with you! I've been staying in the nearby hotel, can I bring my things back home later?" he asked pleadingly. I nodded happily. He hugged me gently and said, "I promise no one will ever hurt you again. If you have any bullies, I'll deal with them all." At that moment, I felt so blessed.

Ray brought me to his car parked right outside. My eyes widened. I gasped, was that a porsche? Ray chuckled at my shock. "I told you, I really did make a new life for myself," he said. As I slid into the luxurious seat, I felt like a speck of dirt, it was really that magnificent. Ray buckled himself in and started to drive to school.

Soon, we arrived. Everyone was staring at the car in awe. As Ray stepped out of the car, he did what Alex usually did. Bewildered, I looked around and was surprised to see everyone's eyes glued on his body. Omg, this is so embarrassing. Are people checking out my brother? Then I realised I was still buckled in. Flustered, I unbuckled my seat belt and was about to get out too when Ray rushed over and opened the door for me.

He grinned mischievously as my cheeks reddened. The minute I stepped out, I spotted many unknown faces. I frowned and whispered to Ray. "Why are there so many new students?" I was so confused. Surprisingly, Ray answered me. "Our previous school closed down, so many of the students have transferred here," Ray seemed very confident in answering me.

We walked by them with Ray's arm slung over my shoulders protectively, ever the image of a big brother. I can't believe he's finally back... Some people might feel that I had forgiven him too easily, but I just feel that life is too short and I should just be grateful that he's back.

"AYLA!" I heard that all-too-familiar voice and grinned. Alex! He rushed over and hugged me tightly. Somehow, I could never be hurt by him. "I was so worried," he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my back. He pulled back and for the first time, saw Ray by my side. Alex nodded at him respectfully and so did Ray. Then, as he noticed Ray's arm back around my shoulder, his polite glance turned into a more hostile glare...

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