CHAPTER 5 - Run Around

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The redheaded cheerleader glares at me over the top of her tortoise-shell rimmed sunglasses. I nod hello, careful not to make any sudden movements to catch my mom's attention. The girl says something to her teenage passengers, and then, all eyes are on me. I pretend I don't see them and reach for the dashboard, fiddling with the radio dial as if it requires my immediate attention or it will self-destruct.

Just act cool.

Winding down from Gloria's smooth jazz station, I tune into the same bluesy rock song blasting from the red Jeep next to us. It's a new one, "Run Around" by Blues Traveler.

"Turn it up. This song is the bomb." Ryan keeps time with his hands pounding against the back of my seat.

"Who sings this one?" Gloria asks while she fools with her bangs in the mirror.

Ryan leans forward between the front seats and winks at me before he teases our mother. "It's another one by the Punky Punks, Mom."

"Oh, really? I tried to pick up the CD for you at Sam Goody but the nice boy there said he couldn't find it. I asked him to look again, but no luck."

I muster a laugh at our running joke. Gloria is so gullible it's almost embarrassing.

"What?" Gloria stares at me with wide eyes. "Are you kids pulling my leg again?"

I shrug. "Maybe they'll have it somewhere else."

"Well, I'll keep looking... maybe Radio Shack?" her voice trails off as she goes back to reading the letter. "Now, you and your cousin Stephanie are both cheerleaders! I can't wait to tell my family!"

Will the beautiful girls next to us be the subject of their parents' bragging too?

I steal a glance at them. They're still watching. Judging. I know it with that elusive sixth sense. Under the crushing weight of their stares, I squirm like a bug under a magnifying glass and my fingers go to the dashboard again.

"So, you have practice next week, and every afternoon after school starts from three to six o'clock. Except for the weekend." Gloria flips over the page.

"There goes the rest of my summer vacation." A groan escapes my throat.

"Well, you only have one week left, anyway. It's not too bad. And, it says here your first game is away. The next is at home. I'll definitely come to that one. Oh, and there's a pep rally in the gym."

"Go, Mom." The stop light mercifully turns green.

"Thanks, Honey." Gloria presses the envelope to her chest like it is a winning lotto ticket. "This will change everything. You'll see."

I stare at the rear end of the Jeep as it speeds up, changes lanes and leaves me in the dust where I belonged. Those girls deserve to be on the pages of Seventeen Magazine with their dewy complexions, perfect figures and trendy athletic gear. I stare at myself in the passenger side mirror. I resembled the freckle-faced boy mascot of Mad magazine more than any cover girl.

I reach for the comfort of my Grandma's necklace and am reminded, once again, it is gone.

"Ryan, where is your backpack?" I lock eyes with him over the seat.

His eyes go wide in panic. "Uh... I guess I left it when we went to the pool?"

"You better not lose that book bag, Mister." Gloria wags a finger at Ryan. "It's for school. I want you to go get it as soon as we get back home."

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