CHAPTER 37 - How Bizarre

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I stood there in the restroom between second and third period with no where to hide. With great skill, I successfully avoided Bernie and Katelyn since the fall sports awards ceremony, but here they were breathing the same air as me, looking as gorgeous and terrifying as ever. A confrontation with them seemed unavoidable. What would I say?

But for some strange reason, they didn't even look at me. Bernie held Katelyn, comforting her as she dabbed tears from her eyes. The girls were so deep in conversation they didn't even notice me as I ducked into an empty stall.

"So, you guys are really done this time?" Sympathy oozed from Bernie's voice.

"I think so," Katelyn sniffled. "I told him the whole story... the party my sister took me to during spring break, the college guy... and he says he never wants to see me again. I wished I never brought it up, but it was eating away at my conscience."

She has a conscience?

"We just made out. I really thought it wasn't that big of a deal. I had a lot to drink," Katelyn whimpered.

"Give it some time," Bernie said, sounding as wise and comforting as a school counselor. "He won't realize what he's got until it's gone, and then he'll come running back. In the meantime, you should go to the dance with someone else to make him jealous."

"I guess I should." Katelyn's voice trailed off as the girls stepped into the crowded hallway.

Oh my God! I burst out of the bathroom stall, washed my hands at a frenzied pace, and sprinted out of the restroom toward Sam's locker. I spotted her there in a white baby doll shirt and denim overalls, adjusting her pigtails in the mirror.

I grabbed her by the shoulders, overcome with excitement as I dispensed top-secret gossip. "Sam, you're not going to believe what I just overheard in the restroom!"

"That Zach broke up with Katelyn?" she asked and popped a DumDum pop out of her mouth.

I frowned. "How did you know?"

"So, I guess there was some kind of fight yesterday at lunch and then another blow up today in the hallway." Sam held her hand over her face and got into character like an actor before the camera starts rolling.

She cleared her throat, and with her best Zach impression threw up her hands, yelling, "I can't ever trust you again."

"And Katelyn was like--" Then she moved to the side and put on a pitiful frown and pretended to cry. "It meant nothing, Zach.'" Sam threw out her arms like Katelyn chasing after imaginary Zach.

When she returned to my side, Sam's blue eyes lit up with glee and a satisfied smile spanned her rosy face. "She cheated on him, Rose! Everyone is talking about it."

"I just saw Katelyn crying in the bathroom. She sounded sorry," Some soft, empathetic part of me felt bad for her. "And, Zach, I guess he's mad."

"And single...." Sam chimed in and put her hand on my shoulder. "He is yours for the taking. You go get him, girl!"

I leaned against a nearby locker and folded my hands at my chest. The sharp needle of a moral dilemma popped the bubble of excitement in my chest. "I don't want to cash in on someone else's misery."

Sam raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, you do."

Another competitive side of me surfaced and I giggled into my hands. "I kind of do."

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