CHAPTER 36 - Be My Lover

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"Happy birthday, Rose," Zach Ashburn said as I walked into biology class. He tapped his ballpoint pen restlessly on the desk as if he was drumming the melody of a rock song.

"Thanks," I stared in disbelief. This day was off to a great start.

To be honest, I really hadn't talked to Zach much since that night after the masquerade ball, except during a couple of group projects. I tried to banish all thoughts of Zach from my mind, but with those eyes like the ocean and that gorgeous, chiseled face, it was nearly impossible. I still had a tendency to daydream about him during class.

I sat down at the table next to Courtney, my friend, lab partner and fellow junior varsity cheerleader. She tucked her a lock of her long strawberry blonde hair behind her ears.

"It's the birthday gal." Courtney clapped her hands in delight. Her clear complexion, thin frame, perfect posture, and deep set hazel eyes and gave her the air of someone five years older, maybe a coed at an ivy league school, or a model in the J. Crew catalog.

"You are the best!" I beamed her a heart-felt smile. "The decorations on my locker... kick ass!"

She clapped her hands together gleefully. "It was my idea. You liked it?"

"Of course! We have to go out tonight and celebrate. I'll drive! My mom is going to let me borrow her car."

"You are so lucky. I still have to wait four months before I get my license, if my parents even let me." Courtney moaned. "Here comes Leo Goodwin."

"What's up, ladies?" Leo sauntered past in red Umbro soccer shorts, a D.C. United jersey, and navy blue Adidas sandals with white ankle socks. "Nice orthopedic shoes, Courtney."

She looked down at her brown leather loafers with chunky heels and gasped. "These are not orthopedic shoes. They're expensive. And, fashionable."

"Sure, if you're over 65." Leo said. "You know, I like those shoes so much, I'm going to call you 'Orthopedums' from now on. Fo' shizzle."

Leo put up his hand for a high-five and Zach gave it to him. I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and our teacher, not much older than a grad student, cleared her throat to get our attention. "Today, we are going to have a little fun with genetics." She held up a worksheet that read: If They Mated.

"I guess we're mating today?" Courtney whispered to me and giggled.

"Booya!" Leo raised his hand. "Ms. Brownfield, if there are more girls than boys, I'm happy to work in a threesome." The class broke out in laughter.

"Leo, one more outburst like that and the only one you'll be with is yourself." Our teacher frowned. I nearly spit out my gum.

"I'll split you into male and female pairs to do this lab." Ms. Brownfield said walked around the between the tables pointing out couples and passing out worksheets.

Please let it be Zach. Please, please, please!

Ms. Brownfield walked by and pointed at Zach. "You're with Rose. Leo and Courtney pair up."

"Lucky," Courtney said under her breath and nudged me in the ribs.

I clasped my hands in thanks and turned my chair to face Zach.

"So, where do we begin?" Courtney asked Leo.

"How about dinner and a movie?" Leo asked. "Or we can just get right down to business."

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