Spilt Tea Is Only Good When It's Hot

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Alessandro eyed a long streak of translucent brown as a small drop of coffee rolled down his mug. Its vibrant mint color appeared ugly underneath harsh yellow lighting. A c-shaped handle was marred by a tiny chip. Albeit faint, a small blob of white gave way to a hairline fracture. The mug itself was still functional, but it would probably need to be replaced soon. If not, bleak walls of a psychiatrist's office would quickly turn into bleak walls of a noisy hospital. The cause? Scalding coffee spilling into his lap.

When he was done observing the mug's faulty handle, he found some interest in the wisps of steam that frolicked away from the rim.

His body ached for more caffeine. It screamed for it—begged, even. Puffy bags beneath his eyes had never felt heavier.

But no matter how strong the urge for a hot, fresh cup of joe was, Alessandro didn't go beyond his initial sip.

"You seem antsy today."

He didn't answer. Not verbally, at least. A single nod portrayed a silent agreement with the observation.

Alessandro could feel his psychiatrist's burning gaze when one of his legs started bouncing. The woman's overall form stiffened. She began to write something down on a long blue clipboard. It sat atop her lap, and she used her crossed legs as a sort of tabletop.

He could see her knees as a dark brown skirt stopped right above them. Her lower legs were hidden by shiny leather boots with a tear in one of the side clasps. Slender hands were partially shielded by a fuzzy black sweater. A chain bracelet jingled with every slight movement of the wrist.

Quiet writing quickly became nerve wracking.

"Could you put on some music, Dr. Hall? I- it's too quiet right now."

"What kind?"

"It doesn't matter. Just please use something to fill the silence."

Dr. Hall nodded her head in understanding. She stopped her writing. Incessant jingling from her bracelet stopped as well.

The woman placed the clipboard into her chair after getting up. A leisure pace was taken over to a vintage record player. It seemed that a disc was already in its rightful place because she put the needle down without reaching for a vinyl. Slow piano filled the office. The instrument was accompanied by a slightly louder violin.

Classical music was a smidge too noisy, but Alessandro chose to not comment on it.

"Is that better?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Dr. Hall sat back down in her seat. She placed her clipboard back in her lap and resumed her previous position. A small, kind smile was offered to her patient. "You're not usually this... quiet."

"A lot happened this week. I just don't really know how to talk about it because I can't wrap my head around anything." Alessandro scratched his arm. "Things are just... a lot right now."

"Well, you could just start with one thing, and we can go from there. You don't have to start with what's bothering you the most, but I think it'd do you some good if you did."

"...Lance is back."

"Lance" —Dr. Hall raised her eyebrows— "as in Lance Kade?"

"Who else?"

"...Should I assume that your meeting didn't go well?"

"Not at all." Green eyes moved toward the wooden table that housed a mint colored mug. Looking at the heated beverage gave him an excuse to not focus on overwhelming, conflicting thoughts. "He was... hostile, to say the least. But it was rightfully so. He still hasn't forgiven me. And I don't think he should."

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