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"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon- oh! Hell yeah! Kiss my fucking ass!"

"All right- since you asked so nicely."

"What? Wait- oh shit- Andro- Andro, I was kidding!"

"Nah, you want me to kiss your ass. That'll be your reward for beating me at badminton."

"Dude, my reward is the bragging rights."

Alessandro was playfully shoved to the side. He reciprocated the gesture by pulling Lance in and wrapping a loose arm around his shoulders.

The two walked together with long metal rackets swinging beside them, red details partially peeling off of a silver throat. Slow steps were taken up to the parked car where a basket full of birdies was sitting on the roof. Sporting utensils were placed into the white container.

"Did Leo say what time they're going to get here?" Lance asked, hopping on top of the trunk. He braced his hands behind him and kicked his legs back and forth. Long strands of slightly damp hair bellowed around him.

"Right before we started our game, he texted me that they'd be here in about an hour. Should be any minute now depending on traffic."

"How long has it been since you've seen your family in person like this?"

"Uhh... about four years, I think. Maybe five." Alessandro scratched at his beard while thinking. His fingertips were still warm from exertion. "I'd only met Isabelle after Rafael and Elena turned two. I've seen them on video calls a lot, so they know me. This'll just be the first time the kids actually get to meet me face to face for more than a few minutes.

"When I graduated from college, I went straight into forming my business. There were a few times where I went back for holidays, but going to Italy to see my family was unintentionally put on the backburner after awhile. By the time I really thought about going again, things were too busy."

Lance nodded. "Guess it'll be a pretty big deal to see you again."

"With the way my folks are? Probably. I can imagine my mom running up to pinch my cheeks already."

Lighthearted chuckles escaped them at the mere thought of Sienna and Angelo—or Mama and Papa Bale as they were frequently referred to.

Angelo was a little more quiet since he was older. The last time he was seen, the man was nearing his late fifties. Although black hair shifted to gray, and wrinkles formed along the edges of his mouth and in the corners of his eyes, Papa Bale still held an air of extreme kindness around him. Whenever Leonardo or Alessandro stopped by, Angelo always had a smile on his face. They'd play card games, watch cooking shows, or just listen to music. Anything to be in each other's company.

Sienna was a bit different.

Since she was younger, only in her early fifties when she was last seen, Mama Bale had a lot more energy to spare. Gray streaks and wrinkles were minimal in her features, and vibrant green eyes were just as captivating and energetic as she was. Sienna was a hugger, a fast talker, and the type of woman who'd take any opportunity to dance. She showed her love by cooking because, in the Bale family, it was believed that the way to show you cared for someone was to make sure they ate well.

Even though it'd been a few years since the older Bales had been seen, it was more than likely that their characters hadn't really changed.

Bluish gray eyes looked off to the side for a moment. The hand housing a purple spider tattoo ran through black hair. "Do they... know about me?"

"I told them that I have a roommate, but didn't say who. I thought it'd be a nice surprise since they haven't seen you in awhile."

"Hmm..." Slender fingers began toying with each other. "Is it bad that I'm nervous?"

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