Smiles and Bouquets

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A night in Tuscany was a beautiful yet unexpected theme to have for the Kade-Gomez wedding.

Sheer ceiling drapes dangled over twinkling fairy lights. The long pieces of fabric surrounded an eye-catching chandelier made of clear gems. Egg shaped bulbs had been dimmed to engulf the room in a cozy faint yellow. It aided in encapsulating a relaxed, intimate feel within the confines of the reception area.

Wooden barn walls were covered in fake garlands and dark leaves, additional sets of hidden fairy lights making it seem like fireflies were sitting in thick trees. Artificial plant life wove along the walls until reaching the front doors. A closed entrance had a red carpet leading into the room, rectangular shaped tables placed on either side.

They were decorated with dark brown cloths and yellow runners which ran down the length of the entire surface. Porcelain plates of differing sizes were set in front of each seat. As were groups of silver utensils and champagne flutes. A tiny palm sized menu sat in the middle of the top plate to reveal the evening's Italian inspired dishes. Tall clear vases housed red geraniums that had actually been imported from Tuscany.

The flowers themselves symbolized passion and intensity—a nice touch both visually and emotionally.

The bridal table sat at the very back of the room at the end of the red carpet. A large booth made of dark fabric sat behind a plexiglass table. Dual settings mimicked that of everyone else; but instead of a centerpiece of geraniums, there were small wooden letters spelling out Mrs. and Mrs.

Since the wedding itself had just ended, neither of the brides were in the room yet. Guests were patiently waiting for the two, and their wedding party, to come inside.

Alessandro could see everything through a small crevice in between the set of doors. He was fiddling with his tie out of slight nervousness.

His outfit mirrored surrounding bridal party members by including all burgundy attire. Suits and dresses were of differing designs, but everyone was wearing the same shade of deep red. It made the brides' dresses seem that much more conspicuous.

Lance stood close by as the two were partners for the evening. It took every single ounce of self control to not ogle at the way his suit hugged his body; or how long black hair framed the contours of his face and made his smile even more radiant.

He most likely wouldn't notice any staring though, since he was talking to Mina and Angelika.

Alessandro was left to his own devices, but he didn't mind. It gave him a moment to reel himself back in. It also gave him some time to sit in silence like he wanted to.

He was more than happy to be here—and as a guest of honor, no less. But being in such a substantial position was deemed uncomfortable since he didn't know anyone inside. Most of the evening's guests were made up of Mina's immediate and extended family, a select few members of Angelika's extended family, and their shared group of friends.

All strangers to Alessandro.

Being around large crowds of people he didn't know made him a little anxious. He didn't want to slip on the facade of Mr. Bale just for the sake of mingling. Unfortunately, there was quite a real possibility that he'd have to if nerves continued to get the better of him.

Intrusive thoughts halted, however, at the sensation of fingers against his chest.

Green eyes moved downward to watch as Lance carefully straightened out Alessandro's tie. The fabric of his blazer was smoothed over with delicate hands. They gently slipped right into his own.

Anxiety began staving off in waves at the calming touch.

"You doing okay, big guy?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a little in my head is all."

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