Spoil Me Rotten

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A bright moon hung triumphantly from a high pedestal in a cloudless sky. Its beauty was further enhanced by a blanket of stars weaving into different shapes. Albeit a gorgeous spectacle, the glimmering dots weren't as plentiful as they were the previous night since a bustling hotel was lit up a short distance away.

Doors were propped open by two wicker deck chairs. Laughter, cheering, and music could be heard from said establishment.

Half-drunk people were playing party games with each other. Some of them sat in a circle to play a round of spin the bottle. Others were in a separate group playing card games with onlookers making bets about who would win. Any remaining partygoers were dancing to the music playing from a bass boosted stereo. Clinking of drinks could be heard above thumping tunes.

Alessandro could feel faint reverberations from outside.

He was sitting on the bottom step of a large deck leading onto the private beach. His elbow kept his body propped up in its leaning position. One leg was bent at the knee with the other sticking straight out. Both bare feet were submerged in the cool sand. He didn't pay any mind to small shells that raked against his skin. They didn't cause much discomfort, so it wasn't worth fretting over.

Green eyes were glued to the horizon. Moonlight reflected off of sparkling water. Violent waves crashed against the sand before receding back into the ocean to do so again.

His mesh robe was draped over his shoulders for a layer of added warmth. The chilly breeze helped in combating the sticky, muggy air that engulfed the surrounding area.

Alessandro was alerted to an incoming presence via quiet footsteps. He knew who it was based on their signature cologne, so he remained calm.

A second set of bare feet came into his field of vision. They were followed by toned legs and dark gray cargo shorts.

"Could you use some company?"

"If it's from you? Always."

A chuckle was given in regard to the honest statement.

Lance's full form was revealed as he walked forward. He had a clear motive in mind because he stood over Alessandro before climbing into his lap. A single finger ran down the length of his chest.

"In a frisky mood, are we?" he teased, his smirk coming to life.

"Can't help myself- I think I've become addicted." Lance chuckled. "I'm not the only one with ulterior motives though. A bunch of people have disappeared to the rooms already."

"Eh, it's expected. Retreats like this always come with hookups. Like you said, it's the one time for people to go wild."

"Would you be opposed to doing the same?"

Lance leaned forward. He braced his arms against a broad chest with his hands settled atop hard shoulders. Long bangs fell past his ear and framed his face.

"...Not if you manage to convince me," Alessandro challenged. "I'll admit, it's really nice having the facade drop for awhile. It tries to sneak its way to the surface every now and again though. I'm more than okay with fooling around. I just- I guess I just need some reassurance that it's okay for me to fully let my guard down."

"Reassurance, huh?" Lance nodded in understanding. "...I guess I'll have to bust out the big guns then."

Bluish gray eyes drifted down to a pair of inviting lips. Slender hands took hold of soft, moldable cheeks. Short strands of facial hair were gently caressed. Goosebumps formed against the featherlight touch.

Each movement was intentionally delicate—something that was unexpected.

A chaste kiss was equally just as surprising. It awakened a few sleeping butterflies.

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