I Love You

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"Hey, Lance, it's Alessandro- uh, of course you know that already- y'know, since we've known each other for, like, fifteen years and all that. But, err, anyway- you look beautiful tonight. Not that you don't every night- or all the time, really- ah jeez, I'm really flubbing this, aren't I? I'm just trying to say that you look really nice! And I know this is our first date in a really long time- maybe that's why this is so nerve wracking- but that means things really are picking up between us, huh. And that's good- great, actually! And I- I just- oh boy- deep breaths... hoooh...

"Lance, I- what I'm trying to say is that I appreciate you being here for me and giving me a chance to try again with you. You've always told me I should be more open, and now I want to do just that by- by telling you- by telling you I love you!"

A clumsy declaration was followed by chirping from hidden crickets outside. A deep sigh interrupted the faint noise. "That was terrible. Way to go, me."

Alessandro looked at his frazzled features in a spotless mirror in the bedroom.

Styled curls were parted off center, shielding a portion of his forehead. A black satin button-up was tucked into a pair of dark jeans. Thin sleeves were rolled up to reveal slightly trembling arms. Comfortable pants led to a pair of simple black slip-on shoes. The outfit as a whole was leaning more toward a business casual type of style while not being too overly formal.

He could admit it was a flattering getup that made him look rather dashing.

If only his body would stop fucking shaking from nervous jitters.

It'd be supremely unattractive to be a sweaty mess while on an important date. Considering how the practice confession went though, things were probably going to be chaotic anyway. Fortunately, Lance was outside grabbing something from the garage; so he hadn't heard the clusterfuck of anxious rambling Alessandro subjected himself to.

He took a moment to breathe. Damp palms were dried along the fabric of his jeans. Uncomfortable pins and needles were literally shaken out of both arms. Some hops were used to get rid of sharp aches forming in both legs. Swarming bees continued to make colonies in his stomach and chest, but that was just something that'd have to lessen on its own.

It wasn't as if the date itself was the issue here. Neither was potentially confessing to Lance. Alessandro knew he was ready; he knew it was time for those unspoken feelings to finally be revealed. He just wanted to make sure he said the right things. He didn't want to flub, or stutter, or freeze up. There was a genuine want to come off as confident, certain, and completely honest.

Maybe he was psyching himself up too much and overthinking the entire scenario.

A moment wasn't given to further dwell on that, however, as the front door could be heard opening and closing. Shuffling feet made their way into the living room/kitchen area. It sounded like a box and bag were being set down on the counter.


"Don't come out just yet!" Fast steps were taken into another room. "I'm getting something ready for you- so just give me one second!"

Kempt eyebrows rose in surprise.

With the date having been his idea, Alessandro made it his self proclaimed mission to get everything together for the evening. A wicker basket filled with prepped foods was already waiting in the refrigerator. The path leading to their destination had been cleaned earlier in the day, and a blanket had been set up for them. 

As far as he was concerned, everything was already taken care of. And since Lance didn't actually know where they were going, it was difficult to imagine what exactly he needed to get ready.

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