Chapter Three

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Gellert Grindelwald—Maternal grandfather

James Potter laughed so hard when he saw that.

(Few minutes before)

He had gone to Gringotts, Sirius following behind him, the Black and Potter account managers in front of them and got inheritance tests, even one for Morgana like Death had suggested. Sirius and James had copies made of their tests, ones that made them a little sadistic but a little angry. James' read:

James Charlus Potter

DOB: March 27. 1960

Core: Dark Grey

Parents: Charlus Potter (deceased) & Dorea Black (deceased)

Siblings: None

Children: Morgana Polaris Potter

Soulmate: ?????

Now there was a name for his soulmate, but he wasn't going to exactly look into that at the moment and tried not to show his shock as to who it was, especially with who he was sitting with. However, that did not stop Morgana from giggling from her spot in James' arms, a baby once again.

Lordships: Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor

Ancestors: Ignotus Peverell (paternal ancestor)

Additional Information:

Blessed by Loki through lineage

Blessed by Death through lineage

Stag Animagus


Death Seer

Partial Parselmouth


Dark Magic Bound–Set by Albus Dumbledore, Broken by Heir Ring

Compulsions—Listen to Lily Evans, in love with Lily Evans, hate Slytherins, hate Dark Magic—Set by Albus Dumbledore, broken by Morgana Potter

The last few lines made him angrier towards Dumbledore, but even more proud of his daughter. Granted even with his dark magic bound, he was still rather powerful with just using his light magic.

Sirius Orion Black III

DOB: November 3, 1959

Core: Dark

Parents: Orion Black & Walburga Black

Siblings: Regulus Black

Children: Morgana Potter (godchild)

Soulmate: Marlene McKinnon & ????????

Sirius happened to be hiding a second name under his finger, it was someone he wasn't happy with at the moment.

Lordship: Black

Additional Information: Grim Animagus


Dark Magic Bound over Ten Times—All set by Albus Dumbledore, all broken by James Potter

Compulsions: Hate Slytherins, Avoid Family—All set by Albus Dumbledore, all broken by James and Morgana Potter

Even though Sirius had been completely dark, he still had quite a bit of magic, although it gave him a big headache when James had to unbind his magic for him. When Walburga took his Heir Ring, she took his protection. Sirius, by looking at his Lordships, was also wondering why his father did not have the ring. He was startled by James sudden laughter as he looked at Morgana's test.

Morgana Polaris Potter

DOB: July 31, 1980

Core: Dark Grey

Parents: James Potter & Lily Evans (disowned by child)

Siblings: None

Children: None

Ancestors: Gellert Grindelwald—maternal grandfather

James laughed so hard his face had gone red. "That bitch is sooooo against Dark magic, her father is Gellert Grindelwald!" he laughed out as Sirius started laughing too.

Soulmate: Tom Riddle Jr./ Voldemort

Heirships: Potter (paternal), Gryffindor (paternal), Peverell (paternal), Grindelwald (maternal), Slytherin (by soulmate)

Additional Information:

Mistress of Death

Blessed by Death through Lineage

Blessed by Loki through Lineage


Death Seer


"Well guess it's time to make a big political move," James spoke up. Sirius, who sat by his side was grinning, "Are you able to take Grindelwald by proxy?" the grim animagus asked.

James looked back at his account manager who had an even bigger smile, "Yes, with Morgana's grandfather being him, and her disowning her own mother, you would be the one to take over until she does," he said.

"It is also possible to be invisible when you make your seats become active, you can announce them here and if you can find out how to be invisible when you're there..." the Black account manager left off.

Sirius pulled out his wand, "I, Sirius Orion Black III, claim the Black Lordship so mote it be," he said. The ring disappeared and reappeared back on his finger. "I, Lord Sirius Black, claim the Black Wizengamot seats, so mote it be," he adds. In the Ministry, the Black seat illuminated again.

James pulled out his wand, handing Morgana over to Sirius, "I, James Charlus Potter, claim the Potter, Peverell, and Gryffindor Lordships, so mote it be," his rings appeared merged together on his hand. "I, Lord James Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor, claim the Potter, Peverell, and Gryffindor Wizengamot seats, so mote it be," he says, three seats illuminated in the Ministry, two powerful ones that had dormant for quite some time. "I, Lord James Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor, claim the Grindelwald seat by proxy until the rightful heir is of age," he said, another ring appeared, "Well it seems you have been made Lord by proxy to it too," the Potter account manager added, smiling even bigger, he could get a raise out of this.

"Time to make shit happen," Sirius grinned.

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