Chapter Seventeen

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James sat there with his head in his hands, only to look up when hearing Death's voice, "You know, you did protect her in a way," he said making James look at him in confusion. Death simply jerked his head behind him as Patronus Prongs came prancing in after the man holding his little Fawn before giving James the dear caught in headlights look. "What?" James said in shock, also having a deer caught in headlights look, trying to think.

"When you died, I don't know how you did it. But your animal half has taken the form of her patronus. Her magic had subconsciously had summoned her patronus when I came in," Death explained. "You did provide her with protection and it saved her twice from dementors that shouldn't have been going near her or even Sirius in the first damn place," Death's voice started out reassuring, trying to cheer James up and then became grumbling at the end. James knew about the dementors, he just never saw Morgana's patronus. He noticed his patronus self stayed near a snoozing Morgana and had no source of where the patronus was coming form, it was just there.

"Daddy?" Morgana mumbled, thinking she had heard his voice.

"Yes, my little Fawn?" he responded and smiled when she reached her arms out for him. She snuggled into his chest and proceeded to fall asleep again. Patronus Prongs took it as a sign to finally leave and disappeared.

"One thing we need to discuss though," Death said.


"The Weasleys," Death answered making James raise an eyebrow.

"Go on," James said.

"The oldest two, Bill and Charlie were close to Morgana, becoming older brothers of hers along with the twins. When I had taken Morgana from the previous timeline, George Weasley had been the one she spared, as you know. But George also revealed that him and his twin along with the oldest two had dark cores and Molly did not like it and Arthur had ignored the treatment they were receiving. While I had reviewing likely allies for you, I found Arthur isn't competent enough to take care of those children. What I propose, and you may want to bring this up with the Blacks and have one of them as a Prewett proxy, is to take in the four boys. I would have said Percy Weasley, but he is too easy to manipulate, it's your decision," Death suggested.

"What do you know about the four?" James asked, wanting to know about the four Weasleys that became his daughter's brothers.

"Bill, the oldest, was a curse breaker, he's great with curses and runes. Charlie worked with dragons and knew about all sorts of creatures. Fred and George were pranksters that idolized the Marauders," James smiled at that, "They even found your map and knew how to open it, but eventually gave it to Morgana after finding out her father was Prongs. The two opened a joke shop with help of Morgana and it was all products created by the two, with input and suggestions from Sirius and Morgana. They were experts with potions, charms, and jinxes," Death explained.

"I think Walburga needs to be taken care of first. She'll become a problem," James adds. He knew Orion would be the best option to get the four Weasleys, his sister had been the mother of the Prewett twins and therefore the great uncle to the Weasleys. Seeing as Arthur's mother had also been a Black, he could approach them with Sirius being Lord Black and take the four children.

"When Orion get's more strength back, we'll send him to Gringotts on your request. He can get his marriage taken care of, it'll be all over the news and then Walburga can mysteriously 'disappear' and into your dungeons," Death suggested. He saw the maniacal grin appear on James' face. It was a grin that promised blood and torture.

"Maybe I should add the whale and the horse down there too," Death adds, James' grin became even more sadistic, showing off his Peverell and Black sides. "No," James said calmly but still had the sadistic tone, "I'm gonna get them and bring them to the dungeons. Morgana and I can have father-daughter bonding," he said.

"Excellent," Death smiled.

"Would you please go inform the Blacks about this situation with the Weasleys?" James asked the being. As the being nodded and left, James wondered if one of the Blacks would be able to take over the Weasley vaults, he knows Arthur's magic had been declining and he was hiding it with his muggle obsession. If that were the case, and there were still Weasley vaults with money and a Lordship, then Bill would be getting a Lordship just like Fred and George would.

(Please stop asking for updates. I am a college student and I have to focus on that first)

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