Chapter Nine

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James, Regulus, and Sirius appeared in front of Hogwarts. "Lady Hogwarts, I, Lord James Potter-Gryffindor ask for permission to keep us hidden from the employees and portraits of your castle," he said. He had a feeling over come him and saw the brothers look around as the same feeling overcame them, "We're being covered by Hogwarts," he told them. They entered and found Dumbledore waiting for them, Regulus throwing the Invisibility Cloak over him. Hogwarts was keeping their locations hidden but not exactly keeping them invisible. "Hello, my boys. I see you've brought little Morgana," Dumbledore greeted. He tried to reach for Morgana, but Morgana being a Potter decided to scream her little heart out before he could touch her.

"Don't touch my daughter," James replied coldly. Regulus won't admit it, but he could chills hearing that tone. Not the bad kind of chills either.

"And as we've said before, Lord Black, Lord Potter, and Heiress Potter to you," Sirius added just as coldly. That one just made Regulus scared. Sirius and their father had that same kind of tone that makes you listen because it will intimidate you.

Dumbledore just pushed off what they said as if they had a death wish, "Well let's go to my office, shall we?"

"Actually, we promised McGonagall we would go see her," James said.

"Excuse us," Sirius added. Regulus was about to speak as Dumbledore raised his wand as they walked pass, but James suddenly turned around, "Better watch it," he said, making Dumbledore freeze as James turned back around and walked off. "Is Reggie still following?" Sirius whispered. James nodded while Regulus was still shocked about Sirius remembering him or asking about him, he had to keep reminding himself that not everything was as it seemed.

"Minnie," the other two said walking into her office. Regulus had never seen the woman move so fast, "Potter! Black! You visited," she said. Then she looked down and saw James' precious cargo, "And you brought Morgana. Can I hold her?"

Morgana, who had been comfortable in her dad's arms, bundled up in her blankets, was startled when she was suddenly being handed to over to somebody with smaller arms. She opened her eyes and saw a younger McGonagall, "Oh!" McGonagall said in awe, before she looked confused, "Are those Lily's eyes?" she asked.

James and Sirius shared a look before Sirius said, "I set something up at Gringotts for you and I think you should go there right now," he said. Minerva raise an eyebrow at the two and saw they were not joking and handed Morgana back before she exited through the floo.

"Okay, I want Regulus to go to the seventh floor where I showed you, and grab the diadem. Sirius, I want you to stay here for when Minnie comes back. Regulus, I want you to take Morgana with you while I go up to Dumbledore, she can help you find the diadem," James said. Immediately they heard whimpering and James felt little hands latch on his thumb. Immediately knowing what was wrong, James whispered to his teary-eyed daughter, "I will be okay. Nothing will happen to me, okay?"

Morgana grew into her two year old form and reached her arms up, her green eyes big, wide, and still filled with tears. James hugged his daughter, holding her close to him, "Would you feel better if Death checked me over when I come back?" he asked. He felt her nod, "Okay, I'll do that," he told her. She pulled away and sniffled, "Love you, Daddy," she whispered.

"I love you too little Fawn," he replied. Regulus and Sirius were confused why Morgana was so upset about him leaving. They knew she was a daddy's girl, there was no doubt, but she was very upset specifically about him seeing Dumbledore. Then she was upset about leaving Sirius by himself, because she started tearing up more when he tried to hand her to Regulus. Going the same route James did, "Pup, I'll be okay," he promised.

"Death check you?" she asked.

He nods, "I will let Death check me over when we get back."

She squeezes him in the biggest hug a two year old could give, "Okay," she said before jumping over to Regulus, raising her arms because she wanted to be picked up. She waved to Sirius from Regulus' arms as she left with him. Sirius wiped a tear, just like James had done when he left. Why did Morgana always look like she wouldn't see him again?

All three men were in different parts of the school, all wondering about different things. James was on his way to Dinglydick reinforcing his mental walls by putting illusions of spending time with Lily, which made him cringe. Loki's blessing allowed the Potter's Occlumency shields to have illusions and fake memories. He was thinking that would be something he would have to teach Sirius as it seemed the Potter magic adopted him, giving him the blessing too. Regulus might get it eventually, being his soulmate and all. Morgana had the protection of being the Mistress of Death, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to learn. James was also thinking about if he should tell Sirius and Regulus the truth about Morgana. Death had suggested the two, and he didn't need the pressure of keeping that between himself and Morgana. He knows Tom will eventually know when he becomes whole again, but he needed other people to know.

Regulus was walking up to the seventh floor wondering what he could talk to an upset two year old who's the daughter of a man he had a crush on without upsetting her more. Sirius was wondering how he was going to deal with the feline like professor when she comes back from the purge of potions she was about to get.

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