Chapter Fifteen

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James took a second before he began, "Morgana, as you know, is a bit different," he started. He paced his words as he thought out how he would explain this. "Morgana's mind is actually from another timeline where she already grew up," the three Blacks looked at him with wide eyes, "This timeline I had died along with Evans and so did Regulus and Orion and Sirius was put into Azkaban because everyone thought he gave away our location and never gave him a trial," he went on. He only paused hearing "WHAT?!" come from Orion and Regulus. Sirius looked at them startled when they both said, "they didn't give you a trial?! Why?!"

"Because Dumbledore ruled over the government at that point. A Black meant no one good," Death spoke up, appearing in the room.

"Alice and Frank had been tortured into insanity, people believe it to be Bellatrix and the Lestranges but I believe it wasn't them," James went on. He could see the relief on the three's faces when he said he thought Bellatrix was innocent.

"But that means Dumbledore had control over where Morgana went. I was to be the godfather and Alice was the godmother," Sirius realized with wide eyes.

James nodded, fists clenched, "Evans has a magic hating sister and Dumbledore had left my daughter on her doorstep and then went to go celebrate the end of Voldemort," he continued. Regulus was thinking about something, now knowing about who Morgana's soulmate was. Orion looked startled while Sirius just looked pissed.

"Mistress had been locked under the staircase and dealt with abuse from her obese uncle and horsy aunt. The cousin apologized to her when he got older and he had that guilt with him for the rest of his life. Come to find out, because I looked them up, Dudley Dursley happens to be a muggleborn," Death mentioned.

James looked up at the being, he didn't know this, "What are they going to do him?"

"Well, Mistress had strong accidental magic like her mate, but it also hid the instances that Dudley's magic showed up. In the previous timeline, he had figured out something had happened and when he moved out, found out something had blocked his magic and it terrified him. He had no way to contact Mistress for help and by the time he was nineteen, he had become an Obscurial and died," Death explained.

"I thought that only happened with children?" Orion asked.

"Why didn't Morgana become one?" Sirius asked the question that had appeared in everyone's head.

Death answered Orion's question first, "Dudley had his magic suppressed for so long that when it finally released, he was scared and he kept it hidden. Mistress wouldn't have been able to do anything to help anyway because I had already taken her out of the timeline," he explained, now turning to Sirius, "I knew who my Mistress was going to be, I am protective over Ignotus Peverell's Line. As soon as I had sensed James had died, I stayed with Mistress and protected her from becoming an obscurial," he finished. He paused, "Mistress is waking up, I'll leave you to finish," he said to James who had sensed his own alarms going off to inform him if his daughter was waking up. They both knew the child just had a nightmare, but they both knew James had to finish explaining and that Death could calm the child just fine.

"Anyway, Morgana had been treated horribly until her Hogwarts letter came. To simplify this as much as possible, it turns out Dumbledore had also stolen my Cloak which is a Deathly Hallow and symbolizes a Line being descended from the Peverells. Dumbledore already had the Elder Wand, that does not stay with a Family Line," James continued.

"Wait," Sirius spoke up, "You said Riddle was a Peverell from a different line. Would Dumbledore have had anything to do with how he became who he is?"

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