John's Family Meeting

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Polly and Tommy walked into the back room of the Garrison where John, Arthur and Lola were already waiting, Polly sat down as Tommy started talking, "All right John, there's only one man

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Polly and Tommy walked into the back room of the Garrison where John, Arthur and Lola were already waiting, Polly sat down as Tommy started talking, "All right John, there's only one man. Only one man is guarding the house. What's troubling you?" 

John cleared his throat, "Polly, you know what it's been like since Martha died." 

"God takes the best first," Polly said 

John nodded, "Truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours." 

"Pol, give him ten bobs for some shoes. Is that it John?" Tommy asked 

Lola looked up at Tommy, "Tommy, it would be better to do this without you. John, what's the point here?" 

"What the kids need is a mother. So that's why I'm getting married." John said 

Polly and Lola shared a look before Polly asked, "Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her? Or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?" 

"I've already proposed and she said yes," John said 

Tommy took out a cigarette as he said, "I think there's a shell about to land and go bang." 

"It's Lizzie Stark," John said 

Lola covered her mouth as Polly and Arthur started laughing, "John, Lizzie Stark is a strong woman, and I'm sure she provides a fine service for her customers-" 

John cut Polly off, "I won't hear the word! Understand? Do not use that word." 

"What word is that John?" Tommy asked 

John looked back at him, "You know what word that is." 

Arthur laughed and said, "Everybody bloody knows." 

"Everybody can go to hell-" 

Tommy interrupted saying, "Whore. That word? Or prostitute? How about that one?" 

"Right. I want it known. If anyone calls her a whore again, I will push the barrel of my revolver down their throats, and blow the word back down into their hearts." John said 

Lola scoffed and said, "Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me. Always have to prove  you're in control don't you?" 

"Lola's right. John, Lizzie Stark's never did a day's work vertical-" 

John cut Polly off, "She's changed! All right. People change." He hit the table as he stood up, "Like with religion" 

"Oh, Lizzie Stark's got religion eh?" Tommy asked

John shook his head, "No, no she doesn't have religion but...but she loves me. Now listen Tommy. I won't do it without your blessing.  But of all the people in the world, I want you to see brave." 

Arthur picked up his drink saying, "Oh it's brave alright." 

"Brave is going where no man has gone before. And with Lizzie Stark.." Polly started to laugh, "John that's really not what you'll be doing." 

Lola and Arthur smiled before John said, "Listen, Tommy. Welcome her to the family. As someone who's had a hard life. All right? Because I need someone. The kids need someone." 

"Tommy isn't in the habit of listening to us and what we need," Lola said 

Before Tommy could reply the door opened and Finn ran in, "Tommy! We've been done over!" 

Arthur sat up, "What?" 

No one said anything else they just picked up their coats and quickly got out of the room. 

. . . .  . . . .

"Jesus Christ!" John shouted as he kicked a box

"What the bloody hell happened here?" Arthur asked Scudboat who was sitting on the table beaten up 

"The Lees. All of them. Cousins, nephews, even their bastards." 

Polly walked into the room, "They've taken everything they can lay their hands on." 

Lola stood up from checking the drawers, "There's nothing here." 

Tommy walked into the room and held up a pair of wire cutters, "They left these." 

"Wire cutters why would they leave wire cutters?" Polly asked

Arthur looked around before saying, "Lola. Move away from that cabinet and slowly get over here." 

Lola did as she was told and slowly walked over to the rest of the group as Tommy said, "I think our friends are playing the game." 

"What game?" Polly asked as she went to walk into a different room 

John stopped her, "Aunt Pol. Don't touch anything." 

"What is going on here?" Lola asked 

Tommy stayed still as he said, "Erasmus Lee was in France." 

"Shit," Scudboat said as he slowly stood up

Tommy looked at Polly and Lola, "Whenever we gave up ground to the Germans, we'd leave behind booby traps, set up with wires. We'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke" 

John nodded, "Somewhere in here there's a hand grenade." 

"Holy Jesus," Polly said 

Everyone started to slowly look around as Arthur said, "Attached to a wire. Don't move any chairs or open any doors. Go easy John-boy go easy." 

Tommy shook his head and everyone looked at him as he said, "No. Boys, no. It's not in here. If it was in here, it would have blown by now. It was my name on that bullet Erasmus sent. He set up a trap all right. But he set it up just for me."

Tommy walked over to the door, "Tommy!" Arthur shouted 

As he was about to open it everyone quickly covered their heads but when Tommy opened the door nothing exploded

Thank you for reading 

Have I just pre Written this entire thing yes yes I have. Will you be getting more updates also yes? 

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