Tender Smiles Re-Habilitation Center for Troubled Furs

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As the van pulled up to the building's front gate, Razz snapped awake. He didn't know exactly how he'd fallen asleep. He remembered feeling a stinging pain in his hind paw, but that was about it. 

The van was parked in front of a chain fence gate. A little booth sat in front of it. The buffalo driver briefly exchanged a word with the fox in the booth before the gate quickly opened without so much as the sound of screeching metal.

The car slid into the long driveway. Razz's mouth fell open as he craned his neck to try and get a full view of the immensely tall and large building. It was modern, and a thick chain fence surrounded it, giving it a similar vibe to a jail. Razz began shifting in unease in the baby seat.

A large door slid open from the building as the car entered. As soon as they were fully inside, the door closed once more. The buffalo exited the car and opened the van door. He removed the child restraints and buckles, helping pull Razz onto the ground.

Razz shivered as he was given his backpack, fur fluffed out to keep him at least a bit warmer. It was freezing. He followed the buffalo through a door inside the building where the temperature was a few degrees warmer. 

They approached a front desk, a female deer working behind it and talking on the phone. When she saw Razz, she nodded to the buffalo, and he nodded in turn, leaving through the door from which they had come.

The deer turned her gaze to Razz, who shifted his weight nervously, uncomfortable to be the center of her attention.

"Hi, there! My name is Emily! Razz, right?" She smiled. Razz gulped, and nodded, clutching his backpack as his claws sheathed and unsheathed. Emily tapped away at her computer.

"I'd like you to look over this pamphlet for a second while I get you checked in. You'll be here for a very long time! I'll also need you to sign these forms, please." She handed the tabby a pamphlet and a large stack of paperwork. He took them and then turned to sit on one of the soft couches.

He grabbed the pen attached to the pamphlet and scanned the front. It had a picture of a needle on it that to him didn't look too friendly, while the words 'Injections' were labeled on the front. He flipped it open and began reading the introduction.

Hello there, newcomer!

We here at Tender Smiles have one job; to re-raise and help furs who may have had a troubled past, and send them back into the world fresh and ready for a new start! Of course, this is not done easily, and each newcomer we have is required to be injected with a formula that we call 'The Serum'. It is a painless injection of a regression fluid that will change both your physical and mental state to that of an infant. Listed below are the possibilities for injections that you will receive on your journey with us!

Stage 1: Kindergartener 

This stage is the first and weakest stage of the injections. It will not alter your mental state in any way, but what it will weaken is your nighttime bladder control, making you a bedwetter for most of the time. This stage can be reversed, but chances are very low of this happening. Pull-ups are strongly recommended to be worn during night hours.

Stage 2: Preschooler

This stage tends to be a bit more serious than the first. It will alter your bladder quite more, making it extremely hard for you to control it. You will also have a tendency to participate in more childlike activities. This stage can be reversed, but there is no chance of that happening. Pull-ups should be worn around the clock at this stage.

Stage 3: Toddler

This stage alters both your physical and mental state. At this point, you will have no bladder control, while also weakening your bowels. This is the stage that most parents would potty-train their children but not have much luck. Your desire to play with children's toys will also be increased, and your ability to stand will be weakened. At this point, it requires much more commitment as you will have to wear diapers 24/7 due to having barely a minute of warning before your bowels empty themselves.

Stage 4: Infant

This stage is one of the most extreme states and one of the most common ones. Your physical ability to stand and walk will be removed completely, as well as you have no control over your bowels or bladder. Your favorite activities will most likely be playing with soft toys or sucking on a pacifier. Your ability to eat solids is also removed, planting you on a soft-food diet. Hand-eye coordination is also worn down, so drinking from a bottle is strongly recommended. Diapers are a strong must since there is no potty training or bowel/bladder control whatsoever.

Stage 5:  The Extreme

This is the most extreme injection of them all. You will be given the inability to speak normally and have no control over your bowels or bladder. You will not be able to walk or stand, giving you no other option but crawl. You will also have an extreme tendency to drink from a bottle or eat very soft foods. Your desire to play with cuddly toys, pacifiers, and other babyish items is quite high, as well as you having absolutely no hand-eye coordination, making drinking from a bottle a strong need. You will have no choice but to wear diapers as much as possible and be in need of frequent changes.

These injections are all based on raising you from the very beginning to teach you the proper ways of life and reject your former and unacceptable behavior. We have a 100% success rate of re-raised furs who are now very successful. We here at Tender Smiles wish you luck in your journey to adulthood!

Razz, disgusted, threw the pamphlet to the side. He hoped that he would not be receiving any of those. He assumed that he'd be taught school again, or something. Trying to stay optimistic, he reassured himself that that was what was going to happen. 

A clatter from the door on the opposite side of the lobby made him look up, and his eyes widened as a wolf burst through it. He was wearing a muzzle and the same orange jumpsuit that Razz was wearing. He panted, looking to both his left and his right. He reached into his muzzle and pulled out a pacifier, throwing it on the ground. 

A security guard raced up from behind the wolf, tackling him to the ground. The wolf let out a yelp as he went down. The guard reached for the pacifier and shoved it back into the wolf's mouth. At the same moment, a female jaguar came through a door behind the desk, holding a thick pink diaper. When she spotted the wolf, she frowned and helped him up from the guard. The guard tipped his cap to her, and she nodded with a grim expression before taking the wolf's ear and leading him back through the door, tightening the muzzle as she did so.

Razz, shaken, returned to the paperwork and took up the pen, signing the occasional space that was necessary, his mind too focused on what he had just observed rather than what he was doing. When it was done, in a daze, he handed it back to Emily.

She smiled and scanned them all before handing him a small box with a piece of paper on top.

"Please take these to room...C7 and get changed. I'll send in one of your wardens when you're ready," she instructed. Razz nodded and opened the door behind her desk, setting his jaw before walking through.

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