Level Three

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When Razz finally finished putting on his outfit, he was almost late for orientation, and in an extremely bad mood. His tail was all fuffed out, and his fur bristled while he sheathed and unsheathed his claws. He now wore the thin pull-up under the onesie and the pants. The only thing he still refused to use was the pacifier, which he held in his paw.

He hurried to orientation, only just barely arriving on time, and found that practically all the seats were taken with other furries wearing disgustingly childish outfits. Some furs had thicker pull-ups on them than others. And some just wore the pull-up and nothing else, looking extremely embarrassed and upset.

Razz struggled to find an empty seat in the crowd, and when he did, it was right next to Dixton. He put his head in his paws with a moan, "Oh, Dear God..."

Dixon smirked. "Don't look too happy, kitten." He flicked one of the cat's sensitive ears with a claw, and Razz leaped backward, slamming into the goat on his right. She bleated in surprise and fear, and he mumbled a quick apology.

Suddenly a bear, a lion, a sheep, deer, and a fox approached the stage. Each held a vial in their paws/hooves and had many more in the pockets of their coats. Razz narrowed his eyes in envy at their normal clothing, shifting uncomfortably in his seat as he felt the padding of his underwear beneath him.

"Welcome, new members of Tender Smiles Re-Habilitation Center for Troubled Furs!" The wolf from before came from behind a small curtain in the middle of the stage. The room burst into applause, and Razz halfheartedly clapped along with them.

"Today is a very special day for all of you, as it is your first day of the ten years you will be spending with us!" She continued. "My name is Dr. Rellion, and I am one of the leaders here at Tender Smiles. Our job is to re-raise all of you, and build you up from the ashes that you are now."

Razz hear a couple of protesting grumbles at this but ignored it.

"So, today we are going to start by giving you all your first injection." Dr. Rellion announced. Everyone, including Razz, started shifting uncomfortably in their seats, trying to avoid eye contact so that they wouldn't be picked.

 The fox handed Dr. Rellion a clipboard with a couple of pieces of paper attached, and she nodded at him in thanks, adjusting her glasses as she read off the first name. 

"First we have Alex, for a level one injection. Please come up here." She read. A gray wolf wearing an orange shirt, a pull-up, and no pants hesitantly approached the stage, blushing as everyone stared at him.

"Hold out your arm please," Dr. Rellion instructed. She pulled a needle out from her coat pocket. Razz watched in fear as Alex's eyes widened at the size of the needle and tried to pull away from her, but she grabbed his arm gently with her paw and kept a firm grip.

"This will only hurt a little." She promised and quickly injected the green liquid inside the needle into his arm. Alex whimpered, and his tail tucked between his legs. Dr. Rellion patted his shoulder, and he returned to his seat. 

From his point of view, Razz could see no noticeable changes about the wolf, but it was only level one, after all, there were no mental effects.

"Next up we have Dixon, receiving a Level Three injection due to fighting and complaining." Dr. Rellion raised an eyebrow at the leopard.

Razz couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction as the leopard's eyes widened in horror as he was dragged up to the stage. Dixon whipped around to glare at the cat.

"You'll pay for this," He spat. Razz stuck out his tongue at him. The leopard let out an indignant yowl as Dr. Rellion quickly injected the formula into his arm. Almost immediately, his eyes became slightly unfocused, and he swayed, in danger of falling. 

Oh yeah, Razz remembered, it makes it hard for you to stand. He watched as Dixon tried to speak but it came out as a jumble of babble, and he glared furiously at Dr. Rellion, who gently pushed him back to his seat.

Razz watched Dixon stumble onto his knees, blushing, and crawl back to his seat, tail lashing. He let out a satisfied smirk at the regressed leopard as he climbed back into his chair, refusing to look at the cat. 

"Next we have Razz, also being injected with a Level Three for talking back, arguing, and fighting." Dr. Rellion said, looking at Razz.

Razz's jaw dropped. He tried to stumble backward, but the fox and the sheep dashed forward and took his arms, dragging him up to the stage. 

"Please, no, Dr. Rellion, I'll be good, I don't want to...please..." Razz had seen what it had done to Dixon and was terrified. He didn't want to be turned into a kitten again. Nevertheless, he was pushed on stage, and he blushed at everyone staring at him in his outfit.

Dr. Rellion gently took his arm, and the needle pierced his fur. He let out a yowl of pain. It stung bad. He twitched as the world swayed around him for a second, and he leaned on Dr. Rellion.

"Calm down. You'll all be regressed to Level Five anyway," Dr. Rellion said, guiding the cat back to his seat. Just like Dixon, Razz felt his knees grow weaker. It was extremely hard for him to keep his balance, and he collapsed onto his chair. 

He wanted to yell at Dr. Rellion, but he knew that it wouldn't come out as words. Just as baby babble. And besides, he was embarrassed enough anyway. He felt a sting from his side. Dixon had flicked his arm. Somehow the bully had remembered enough to hurt the cat anyway.

Razz watched the rest of the injections, mostly Level Ones, a couple of Two or Threes here and there until he felt a growing pressure in his bladder. His eyes widened, and he looked around for a bathroom, but he was surrounded by too many furs to spot one. He crossed his legs and pulled his tail across his lap in hope, but it was no use.

At last, when he couldn't hold it in anymore, his control broke, and warm pee flooded his pull-up. He buried his head in his paws in shame, unable to take it. The pull-up slowly filled to the brim, and at last, he stopped. The pull-up was twice its regular size, swollen and warm. He tried to sit forwards to hide it and felt the squish of it under him. He winced.

It was going to be a long day.

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