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The next morning Razz was dressed and dragged towards the orientation room, where a tiger wearing a lab jacket was waiting along with about twenty other mammals, all looking to be at either Stage Three or Four, who were dressed in humiliating pastel colored collars that jingled whenever they moved. Personally, Razz found them dehumane.

He was pushed forward by a security guard who began attaching a collar around Razz's neck. He fumbled weakly in protest, unsheathing his claws, but a voice banged through his mind;

No, shhh, little kittens listen to the big boys and girls. Just listen to them, sweet baby.

Razz's efforts quieted, and he stared at his paws as the collar was attached with a loud beep. He flinched, but said nothing as he was shoved into the group of regressed mammals.

"Welcome, little ones!" The tiger clapped his huge paws together for silence. "My name is Dr. Henna, and I will be in charge of you lot for the next-" He checked his watch- "eleven months! As you've all signed up for, you'll be reliving your lives, starting over. And that all begins with daycare!" 

The tiger snapped his paw-fingers, and the wall behind him parted, revealing the front of a building. Cheery building block letters splayed across the front doors read 'Happy Smiles Daycare'. Razz shifted uncomfortably as they were pushed towards it. Dr. Henna politely opened the door and the group of regressed mammals inside. 

The replica of an actual children's daycare was stunningly accurate; sleeping cribs peeked through a window of a door off to the side. A chalkboard was at the front reading class rules; Razz could barely read it, but what he could recognize was 'Be nice', and 'Play fair'. A colorful rug sat in the middle of the room. 

One wall of the room was entirely dedicated to drawings, where a bunch of poorly drawn artwork was taped or pinned to the wall. A drawing table sat below it, with a stack of paper, along with crayons, glue, glitter, and markers. 

There was a solitary room off to the side, and if Razz leaned to the side, he could see the corner of a changing table. He shuddered, feeling his own padding against his hindquarters as if reminding him that he would most likely be using that very table soon.

"This is Mrs. Ryans, who will be your teacher for the next eleven months," Dr. Henna gestured to a large kangaroo, who smelled strongly of baby powder and crayons. She smiled warmly at the group, and Razz felt an instictive purr rise from his throat.

Yes, baby. You want to please her, because if you do then she'll be nice to you, after all the big meanies out there. Just purr, and if you need something, cry like the baby you are and everything will be all right.

Mrs. Ryans seemed to notice, and as she hopped past she smiled warmly at him and gave his ears a nice scratch. Razz purred louder, but when he noticed the other mammals shooting him envious glares, he swallowed it nervously. 

"Now, none of you think about escaping, because we have guards posted at the doors in case someone manages to get out," Dr Henna said sternly, looking a muzzled wolf in the eye. The wolf purposely avoided Dr. Henna's gaze. "Good luck, babies." Dr Henna turned on his heel and left.

Mrs. Ryans hopped to the front of the room, and clapped her paws together.

"Welcome, students! Our first activity of the day is playtime! Feel free to play with the toys in the play corner!" She gestured to a corner that Razz hadn't noticed before; it was a soft corner with a rug and toys sprinkled across it, along with a chest of other playthings inside. 

The mammals slowly and reluctantly trickled over to the play area. Razz followed, secluding himself next to the toy chest as he played with the offered toys. It was a bit crowded, but the area was big enough to support them all. At one point, the muzzled wolf and a goat fought over an action figure. When the head popped off, Razz and the crowd let out a collective gasp; all toys had feelings, and this was the equivalent of toy murder.

After that the day went by mostly uneventfully. The mammals weren't very enthusiastic, except for the extremely regressed ones who enjoyed it. Razz fought his headspace frequently to resist the childish urges.

When he felt a pressure in his bladder, he would have held it, but the pressure was too much and he didn't have enough time to warn anyone about his problem, so he reluctantly soaked his diaper to the brim. When he saw Mrs. Ryans hopping towards the group, he felt a surge of panic. 

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