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As Razz groggily began coming conscious again, he discovered that he had been dragged back to his room. He was leaning against the back of the crib in a fresh diaper, and with a headache like no other. 

Strangely, having a Level Four injection didn't feel too different than a Level Three. He groaned, rubbing his head, and looked around. 

The door suddenly opened, and a very familiar german shepherd marched through it, vial in hand, an annoying sneer slapped on his muzzle. Razz's eyes widened, and he let out a terrified squeak, pushing himself closer to the wall behind him.

The German Shepherd was holding something in his paw, and when he stuck it through the bars, Razz let out a scared meow, scrambling away from the dog. Casper, looking annoyed, pulled down the crib's side, and dragged the cat closer to him. Razz's fur fluffed up with fear. He didn't trust Casper at all, and probably never would.

The German Shepherd locked the tabby in place on the changing mat, even though he didn't need changing, and buckled the restraints tightly. Razz's ears flattened against his head as suddenly the pacifier gag was once again used. His muzzle ached with pain, and he let out a moan as the straps cut into the back of his head.

He let out a muffled squeak of fear as he watched the german shepherd fill a sharp needle with a  murky blue liquid, and he wrapped his tail around himself for comfort, terrified. Casper looked down at him with that ever humiliating smirk as he put the needle down and smiled sweetly at the regressed tabby.

"Hey there, Tazzy," He grinned, using the humiliating nickname for him. Razz blushed hard. 
"I see that you've been naughty today, so I get to regress you to Level Four." Razz's eyes widened. Hadn't that happened already? He winced, remembering the sharp pain in his paw.

As if reading his thoughts, Casper rolled his eyes, "Laxatives. Duh." His smirk returned. "And besides that, guess what I get to do?" 

Razz's ears flattened against his head, and he stayed as still as a statue.

"I get to double diaper you. And then give you laxatives." Casper smirked when he saw the shocked expression on Razz's face. "And then I'll triple diaper you. And give you even more laxatives. Until your diapers are so full that they're about to leak. Then I'll change you." The German Shepherd's sneer grew wider.

"But until then, I'm going to give you your injection," He said, taking the sharp needle up and saying, "This'll only hurt a lot." 

Razz suddenly realized that he didn't want this to happen, and he started writhing in place, letting out indignant muffled yowls through the pacifier gag. Casper, unamused, grabbed the tabby's leg and quickly pierced it with the needle.

Razz had never felt such agony in his life. The Level Three injection had stung, but this was almost five times worse. He let out a muffled sob as a tear ran down his cheek. He felt the strange liquid running through him, and without any warning, he felt the front of his once dry diaper growing warm.

He looked down in surprise and shock, to see that he had wetted his diaper without any warning of it whatsoever, and he fought the foggy feeling in his head that talked inexplicably to him;

Don't worry...it's okay...little kittens like you are supposed to make messes in their diapers... just suck that pacifier like the little kitten you are...

Razz began to panic, and his chest heaved as he started to hyperventilate. The voice in his head continued to calm him.

Are you feeling unhappy? Then do what all little kittens do when they're unhappy...just cry...you'll be changed...you'll be taken care of...

Razz, unable to fight it anymore, began crying, gasping for breath as his sobs intensified and he tried to breathe through the gag. Casper sighed, rolling his eyes as he lifted the distressed cat's legs and pulled a thick diaper from the table in the corner, double diapering him. Razz, even more uncomfortable, continued to sob.

Casper sneered at the cat before leaving the room, laughing as he left. Razz's panic intensified as he was left there, on the changing mat, double diapered, unable to breathe, and crying so hard he felt as if he would die.

He lay there for what felt like an hour before the door opened again and Artemis entered. Razz's relief exploded out of him, but he didn't calm down and continued to cry, arms, legs, back, and jaw aching. The lion let out a small gasp and quickly unstrapped him, picking him up with ease.

Razz let out a muffled sob of relief as the gag was unstrapped as well and thrown to the floor. Desperately in need of comfort, he grabbed the lion in a hug as Artemis cradled him in his safe, warm arms. He buried his muzzle in the huge mane, letting a shuddering sigh escaped him as his cries slowly quieted. 

He half-expected Artemis to just put him in the crib, but the lion sat down on the rocking chair, still holding the cat, and murmured comforting things in his ear as he took a bottle and began feeding him. Razz obediently sucked the bottle, just wanting to be comforted as he was gently rocked back and forth. As he drank, he grew drowsier and drowsier, until he finally fell into a tired sleep, a loud purr vibrating in his chest.

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