Meeting Casper

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After orientation, all of the students were guided to a large room with five tables set up in the back. Each one had a sign that either said Level One, Level Two, Level Three, Level Four, or Level Five. Lines slowly formed as students gathered in front of tables. 

Razz was guided to the Level Three line where he waited behind a raccoon wearing a puffy diaper. He wished he had something to hold on to, but there wasn't anything, so he was cursed to sit on the floor with Dixon, who refused to talk to him. As if he could.

Razz wanted to get out of his wet pull-up. At this point, it had already leaked a bit, and his fur was cold and sticky. He longed for nothing more than a long hot shower. The line moved forwards, and he dragged himself forward.

When at last he arrived at the front of the line, a cheetah wearing a pair of glasses looked up at him.


"Ra-perasdasbhvg.." Razz's speech trailed into babble. He frowned. The cheetah sighed, running his paw down a list of names.

"Razz, right?" He looked up at the tabby. Razz nodded, embarrassed. The cheetah consulted a different list of names.

"I'm going to assign Casper as your injection consultant and your P-Warden. And..." He trailed off, scanning the list again. "Artemis as your caretaker and C-Warden. Got all that?"

Razz nodded, in a daze. It seemed as if he was speaking a different language. The cheetah grabbed a crisp piece of paper and handed it to Razz. The words appeared blurred to him. 

"It just says where they are." The cheetah informed him helpfully. "And I believe you're going to need some stuff." 

He reached under the table and hauled out three large boxes. The first was filled with a bunch of outfits different from the one Razz was wearing but all equally childish and humiliating. The second was filled with infant toys, rattles, pacifiers, and stuffed animals. The last was filled to the brim with diapers of all sizes.

"Since you've been taken to Level Three, these are required for you. We can both see that," the cheetah explained, gesturing to Razz's pull-up. "Everything in here has been tailored to your size and interests. I'll arrange a cart for you." He typed a couple of things into the computer by his side.

"And you're all set." He said. Razz, able to somehow speak a little bit, managed a "Fank you." 

For the first time since they'd met, the cheetah smiled.

"You're welcome, little guy. Now scram. The cart's waiting over there." He pointed to a small cart. Razz nodded, blushing, and grabbed all three boxes, staggering under their weight. Grateful that the cart wasn't too far away, he stumbled to the cart and let the boxes fall into the cart.

The scent of baby powder shot into the air from the diapers, and Razz felt a sudden tendency to play with some of the toys in the second box but shook his head, just barely able to keep his adult mindset alive. He hastily grabbed the cart handle and stumbled along the hall past the line. 

Razz glanced at the line for Level Five as he passed it. There were only a few furs in it; he couldn't imagine what they'd done to deserve getting a Level Five injection this early, and he was shocked. Many of them were double or even triple diapered, and some were messing the diapers right then and there. Some of them even appeared to be enjoying the mess. He watched in disgust as a lioness rocked back in forth in her mess, letting it squish around in her triple diapers.

Razz turned away, fur fluffed up in fear, as he turned into a second carpeted hall. The only part of the writing on the paper that he could read were the letters 19C82. At the seventh door in the hallway, labeled 19C82, Razz took a deep breath and walked in. 

The first thing that happened was he was grabbed by powerful paws and had a pacifier gag shoved into his muzzle. Muffled yowls of surprise and fear escaped him as his tongue tingled from a weird gel coating the pacifier. He collapsed on the floor.

Looking up, he saw a german shepherd with a green bandana around his neck staring down at him, grinning.

"Hey there, kitten. Name's Casper."

Razz let out another muffled yowl, this time of anger, and he struggled to stand. Casper gently pushed him back down, and he fell on his cold and wet pull-up. The squelching sound made Casper laugh.

"Looks like that Level Three really took hold of your bladder. Don't worry. I'm your P-Warden and injection consultant." He crouched down, paws on his knees to look the tabby in the face. "That means that whenever you do something naughty, I get to either give you a punishment..." He smiled and tapped Razz's nose with his paw. "Or give you a higher level injection."

Razz squeaked in fear, scooting backward.

"Now, now, kitten, don't go anywhere," Casper's grin was smug. "I think...that so we can become closer...I should give you a nickname. A really cute, baby one." He tapped his chin as if he was thinking really hard, and scrunched up his face. "Oh, I know! How about Tazzy?" 

When Casper saw Razz blush in embarrassment, his grin grew wider. "Ah, perfect. Tazzy. It'll make you feel just like the little kitten you are."

Razz wanted to punch Casper, but the fear of being injected with a higher level made him shudder. He sat there, leaning against the door and feeling miserable as Casper dragged the cart fully into the room, sorting through the boxes.

"Hey, Tazzy." Casper snickered. "I love how many diapers you need! I mean, this is only Level Three. Imagine. You. Level Five." He sighed as if imagining a dream. "Man I bet you'll have some messy diapers."

Razz frowned and tried to tug out the pacifier gag, but the strap around the back of his head kept it there tight. The gel was sharp-tasting, and it made his tongue feel numb and useless. He looked up at Casper, annoyed. 

Casper crouched down again.

"Oh, and that gel on the pacifier; that's gonna numb your tongue even more. At this point, you won't be able to speak any sentences except for really cute ones." He sneered. Razz wanted to ask why the dog was being so mean to him, but he couldn't. Instead, he just glared at him.

"Alright, Tazzy. Before I hand you over to..." He scowled. "Artemis...I'm going to change you." His expression returned to his regular grin. "This is gonna be fun."

Before Razz could realize what was happening, he was being picked up by the German shepherd. He struggled, pushing and tugging to get out of the dog's arms, but Casper held tight. He unsheathed his claws and tried to swipe at the dog, but he was fast and dodged.

The dog set Razz down on a changing mat on the floor that he hadn't noticed before. Razz tried to crawl away but Casper grabbed a couple of chains attached to the floor, fastening them around the cat's wrists, hind paws, and middle. Razz, unable to speak or move, flattened his ears.

Casper slowly pulled down the soaked pull-up, grinning.

"My, my, what a wet little kitten we have here! Good thing I'm going to change you. But not into a pull-up, no-no-no. You're Level Three, and you're going to need diapers." He grabbed a thick diaper from the box and disposed of the used pull-up before sliding it under Razz's butt.

Razz squirmed faintly as he felt the heavy padding enclosing his waist. It was much thicker than the thin pull-up he had used before, and even that seemed thick to him. He moaned. Casper grinned at the cat's discomfort, and finished the job, pulling the cat's long tail through the tail-hole in the back. 

Casper unchained him, and the cat sat up. His tongue was hurting from the gel on the pacifier, and his head ached. He broke down into sobs, curling up in a ball. Casper didn't smile at this. All he did was leave.

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