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Next morning Priya was getting ready for hospital but she was really irritated and confused as well why not when she was assuming things, no things but human and that human was non other than Dev as she now hallucinating Dev everywhere from early morning from waking up till her dressing every time she is seeing Dev and when she tried to touch him he got vanish into thin air and that confuse her most; moreover, from yesterday there was no call instead of one message that he got home safely other than this nothing came as because both of them still confuse about their feelings.

As for Priya she thought that it's just mere attraction or teenager crush that will be gone after sometime as he is not here anymore, she tried to be happy related to this that Dev is not here anymore but why she is not happy, why she is bother that Dev is not messaging her.

Meanwhile Dev condition is also liked that whatever he do something he saw Priya everywhere and even he started talking to her but both can't get to know that this is the power of love where no body can escape and why he didn't message her because he thought that he is rushing the things and if Priya wants to talk to him that she can message or call him. But both are adamant and they can pass whole day but due to this feeling they both tried to don't talk with each other but after enough of the survival Priya couldn't hold back so she directly call him and after one or two rings dev picked it up and saw Priya, a smile crept on his face.

''Missed me''

''Missed you? huh? seriously! under my foot, Mr. Dev Singh''

''Woah, this much anger what happened angry cat''

''You, how dare you to call me angry cat then if I'm cat then you are gorilla Mr., first whole day got vanished like that but you didn't even try to talk to me neither a simple message nor a phone call, what do you think of yourself, here I'm seeing you everywhere not even a second you are leaving my mind, everywhere I'm seeing you and after that you got vanished like a wind and here you are calling me angry cat from which angle I look like a cat, huh!'' Dev eyes got dilated when he listened that she is also assuming him everywhere like he do

''From every angel'' he mumbled but enough to heard her.

''What''  she shouted

''Nothing, but tell me you are missing me this much that you are hallucinating and thinking about me every time'' and at that moment Priya realized that what she had done and what she blabber in anger.

''Vo..Vo  no I'm not thinking about you and who will thought about a gorilla huh?! ok bye I have some work rather than talking with you'' she immediately cut the call and smacked her head but soon enough she started smiling and here Dev started laughing when she immediately cut the call in nervousness.


In Arjun's office

Arjun POV

''Are you sure about that'' I asked about the investigation which I want to be done.

"Yes, sir according to data we got to know that the accident, the murder tried and the kidnapping is done by one person."

"....and who is that"

"We don't know about that but the most weird and suspenesable thing we got to know from our sources that they are leaving clues behind like they want that somebody will reach because of this clues" Weird!!!!!

"What are those clues?" I asked because I found these really weird no I mean who leave these clues after doing these hideous crime, either they are the biggest fools or they want to trap us

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