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When Priya said those words about Siddharth and Sanjana being missed and they are no where to be found then everyone started calling their detectives, agents, police and so on of India because they find out that something is fishy and the very next moment everyone decided to go to India but because of Arjun project they can't go to India and by sitting in America they have to find out the information about Sanjana and Siddharth, so Arjun called Aadarsh to find out about this matter as soon as possible and give them details. After 3 hours Aadarsh called


''Arjun, I find out something'' and then everyone started listening him anxiously because passing the every moment is becoming the most impossible time for them.

''First I went to Siddharth shop and I started inquired about him, then one of the employee said that from last 22nd February, it means right after when you went to America, he started behaving frustrated and started pacing worriedly after trying to call someone and he was started going less there, but the employee doesn't sure about that person who can it be, then I tried to investigate more then I got to know he was trying to call Sanjana as Sanjana doesn't show up right after when you all went to America, because of this he was very worried.'' everyone eyes widened because they doesn't know that this much was going on from last one month and most importantly right after when they headed out from the India to the America and there shiv was listening him very carefully and also he informed Divya about all this matter, and now she was trying to finding out about of all this.

''What about Sanjana?'' Arjun asked

''After that I went to Sanjana house as you gave me address and then when I reached there and entered the house there were two older person which I assume her parents then I started asking about Sanjana, I don't know what happen to them as they were behaving abnormally and even they started stuttering, I started doubting on them but they started crying, they said they love her so much but from last month when she was returning from her college she didn't came back as they search for everywhere but they didn't found, I somehow believe them but not until I met Anshul in an isolated place where I was investigating on''

''Sanjana's brother'' Priya murmured enough to hear by everyone.

''Yes, firstly I was so shocked that how come he was here but later on after investigating he told me many things, like Sanjana was getting abused in her own house''

''WHAT'' everyone shouted except Neha and Priya and everyone looked at them because they doesn't  give any response.

''You know about all this, but why you hided it''

Neha sighed and speak, ''We were also got shocked about knowing about all this as we told her not to suffer and come with us and leave that place but everytime she tried to leave and any one of the guards spotted her and they put back her in the house, after that they beat her to pulp''

''But why didn't you take the help of police'' it was Dev who asked them after knowing what that poor soul have to go through.

Priya shooked her head, ''It was no use as in that area it was surrounded by local goons and local police who were the loyal dogs of her father, so she didn't tried even'' everyone sighed, this much information was enough to realize that what could have been through Sanjana.

''After that what Anshul told you Aadarsh''

''First he asked me that why are we finding Sanjana, I doubted him and didn't told him anything and started going from there but he said something to me which halted me and I abruptly stopped, he said if I wanted to find her Sanjana for giving to that monster then he will never tell where is Sanjana''

''Monster?'' everyone stared to each other confusingly.

''I was confuse at that first who could be that monster, I asked him but he doesn't wanted to tell me anything until I said to him I worked for you and I wanted to find them so that they can went to you, he got relaxed and told me that monster was none other Vikrant Rathore'' Arjun's eyes widen and horror was clearly seen onto his face and everyone was seeing him confusingly, and shiv was also started shaking and Divya was also listening every conversation through phone call stiffened.


''That Vikrant Rathore, a cruel and merciless mafia, a drug dealer as well as who do human trafficking'' everyone got to know about this and fear can be visibly seen on everyone faces specially Priya and Neha.

''Yes, that Vikrant only as Sanjana parents wanted Sanjana to get married with him in order to gain money as well as increase his business'' everyone got a feeling of disgust after listening him, that how could parents can do to her own child, only for money.

''But when Sanjana denied as her parents started beating her until she said yes, and after that she got ready to meet him in order to reject that proposal, but when she reached there and he met him and directly say no to marriage, that hurted his ego and he started forcing Sanjana to do marriage which was suppose to held on after that two days as when she again denied, her parents locked her up in her bedroom without giving anything to eat or drink, it was Anshul who secretly gave her food and also he was the one who stole keys from his parents and unlock the door without acknowledging anyone.''

''And that night she ran away to that house and now Sanjana parents are in police custody, don't worry they aren't the local police, they are the superiors and most trustable, as when I informed police everything they raid on Sanjana house and from where we found out the drugs and black money and also after Anshul statement they were going to charge more in order to abuse Sanjana.''

''But I found something more'' again they got curious to know about Sanjana.

''What is it?''

''I'm sending you a pic there you can get to know about that, see'' Arjun opened his phone and saw that picture which was enough to stumbled on his foot, there she was with a Siddharth running away and with fear visible on his face but what more shocking is that Sanjana was with a baby.

''Means,'' Unable to form any word he whispered while everyone gasped by knowing that Sanjana had a baby.

''I got that picture from the CCTV as they were heading to the airport in order to save themselves and there baby. Everyone was saying that Sanjana was pregnant with him, and that news was spreaded like a fire and most importantly to the ears of Vikrant goons who wanted to find them.

''How can she get pregnant no I mean there is no way that she was expecting the baby, I know her and Siddharth bhai, they both know their limits and I'm sure there is something big behind this baby story.'' Neha said

''Maybe it can be that way or may be not, if I found anything then I will tell you, so I hanging up now''

''Alright, thanks Aadarsh''

''No need'' after that he hang up and living room become a silence room as no one speaks a word after that.



??: What, how could it happen, she got died at the hospital right after her accident, then how can she's alive.

??: I don't know boss but some of the goons saw her as when she was talking to Neha, see the pictures.

??: It means Neha already met her and that girl....ugh...I'm sure she told her about that project and Neha will try to surely keep it safe....So first now we have to use Divya now in order to Get Neha first

??: How boss??

"Ramesh, find out about the Divya and as soon as you saw her, kidnapped her and bring her here, now if they wanted to play games of hide and seek then I'm in'' that person laughed a evil laughing.

''Sure boss'' Ramesh nodded and bow down and after that he went out to find Divya.

''Now it will be more fun'' *smirked*.


That's all if you all are wondering that Ramesh is that driver who try to kill Arjun and Neha then he is the that one, as he is involved with that person.....

For now stay tuned and now tables are going to be turned......

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