Chapter 23

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"Just... at least for a day... can I love you?"

I really want to kiss him. Seeing Riley display his feelings so openly and honestly and looking so hurt, Eran's heart pounded and he struggled to breathe. He sighed shakily.

They sat silently for a while as Eran tried to calm down and process his thoughts. Finally, he asked, "Would you really be satisfied with one day? Do you honestly think that will bring some sort of finality?"

"Just stop. Stop stop stop stop."

"I know this is something you don't want to hear but—"

"Stop. Stop. Ssstoooppp," Riley whined. He looked at Eran, slightly trembling. "How long? How old do I have to be?"

Eran was silent. He didn't have an answer.

"When I'm not a high school student anymore?"


"At 20?"




"Dammit, when?! When can I love you?! When?" Riley stood up looking hurt and annoyed; he quickly wiped away a tear.

Eran got up and walked to the living room. Mind reeling, he closed his eyes. "I don't know." I just don't know. What's the right thing to do?

"Why is this so hard?! Just let me love you and you love me." Riley followed Eran.

Eran collapsed onto the sofa and covered his face, finally able to word his thoughts. "Do you realize that I'm struggling too? You're here in front of me and completely open but laying a finger on you feels like a huge sin."

"Eran. Things don't have to be complicated," Riley said more gently. "We shouldn't make ourselves suffer. If anyone finds out about us, I'll protect you. So be with me."

Damn it. I want to. But... it's so scary. "Don't be so willing to risk everything..." I'm no good for him. "The way you feel about me... it's probably just admiration or a crush."

"Are you fucking kidding me? So that's what this is about."


"Your insecurities." Riley moved to sit beside Eran. "You're the first guy—no, person I've ever loved like this so... I've thought about it for so long and so seriously. Even though some people would have a problem with it, I love you."

Eran put on a sad, skeptical expression and sighed. "Since when?"

Riley turned Eran's head, forcing him to make eye contact. "I've been interested in you since you first looked at me in the store. I've been captivated since you sat on that bench and took my cigarette. I've liked you since I realized you weren't going to throw me away. I've been sure that I love you since the time you tried to help cook dinner. It's been so hard..." Riley stroked Eran's cheek with his thumb. "Now when you say you love me too, how can I hold back, let alone stop loving you?"

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